help save NY NG drilling it takes 2 min

Take 3 Minutes To Help Save Natural Gas Drilling in NY
Submitted by taschutt on Fri, 06/11/2010 - 12:54pm We need you and your family to do this immediately
URGENT!! Please take three minutes right now to go to the website link below and send an urgent letter to our NY lawmakers.

Numerous bills are being considered in the next two weeks by the New York State Senate and Assembly that are aimed to kill development in the Marcellus and Utica Shale regions of the state before it even starts. Laced with false assumptions and incorrect data, these bills are mere obstructionist's tools that will keep the financial handcuffs firmly on upstate's residents.

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Comment by Jeff Ferreira on June 16, 2010 at 9:48am
ok thank you and only time will tell. Let's hope for the best! Have a nice day! :-) smile always
Comment by James A. Bates on June 16, 2010 at 4:08am
I filled out the form and then e-mailed the link around to try to help raise support.

There are alot of activist groups out there like the Catskill Mountain keeper sending weekly e-mails to people to try and kill the drilling.

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