How Will Upstate NY Ever Survive Corruptocrat and Company?

Andrew Cuomo a/k/a Gov. Corruptocrat, aided by a spineless Senate, is killing Upstate NY by throwing money at boondoggles while denying it a ready remedy.

Just how is that Upstate NY is supposed to survive the debacle that is Andrew “Corruptocrat” Cuomo and a mostly Upstate NY Republican Senate that enables him every step of the way? No clearer evidence exists of the state of corruption that is the Empire State than the continuing political freak show that is New York’s economic development program under Cuomo.

Billion after billion, indictment after indictment and failure after failure, Cuomo’s strategy has been one of choosing winners poorly and making a loser out of the one thing that would have made a huge positive difference. That was, of course, natural gas development and it needed none of his help, which its precisely why he felt no remorse in killing it for the sake of appeasing the NRDC gang.

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