Kill the Drill? How about we "Kill their Switch "?

It's nice to be getting hyperbolic lectures from the biggest contributor of trash... a city that itself has littered the eastern shores of this nation with medical waste and used tires...fortunately, for them, the city has the $$$ to somehow always pay off an outside state to accept their litter.

Maybe the east coast should launch their own campaign against the largest purveyor of filth in the U.S., NYC?

Am I advocating for a drilling-free-for-all? No. Just get the facts on hydraulic fracturing before buying anything the nanny-state of NYC tells you.

Hypocrisy rules with the thrust of "Kill the Drill" campaign. In their minds drilling = the death of millions. NYC apparently has no problem with placing landfill on a former site of a stream and freshwater estuary. They even mine this site for 10,000 square cubic feet of gas a day! Somehow, for years, environmental hazards and New Yorkers have co-existed just fine. However, heaven forbid that hydrocarbons be professionally extracted by oil and gas companies? Don't let the uneducated and unfounded fear shape your opinions.

So really, "Kill the Drill?" How about we just "kill their switch" for a day or two? NYC's gas switch that is...

From the Houston Chron Energy Blog. "The drilling industry has its work cut out for it, even if the claims in the video seem a bit breathless. The not-for-profit news site ProPublica has spent the past year or so hammering away with stories that are pretty clearly anti-hydraulic fracturing. And it doesn't help that Houston-based Cabot Oil recently entered into an agreement with officials in Pennsylvania to provide water treatment to residents in an area where it appears natural gas from their drilling entered into drinking water."

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Comment by BuckinghamGasMan on November 12, 2009 at 3:31am
One theme of NYC's campaign is to ban drilling in their watershed, but nothing is said about paying those watershed land owners for the value of their gas. Instead of building the 5 (or is it 35) billion dollar filtration plant for the City, why don't they just pay 20% of the value of the gas to each landowner in the watershed ? That would stop any drilling. Anything short of that is stealing.
Comment by Tom Copley on November 11, 2009 at 3:53pm
NIMBYism is not in the least bit unique to NYC. What can the drilling industry do to better inform and educate the public--be it in the City or elsewhere--so that more level heads prevail? --Tom

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