Land Grabbers Threaten Our Most Precious Rights

Vic Furman talks about the land grabbers behind the recent DRBC resolution to consider a fracking ban, their motives and his own plans to resist it all.

What’s on my mind today? Facebook asks this of me every day. Let me answer—as bluntly as I possibly can. The recent DRBC vote was disgusting culmination of a disgusting process underway in this country as land grabbers threaten not only to take our land but also our every right.

Land GrabbersWe have three state governors who actually support the DRBC future plan to abscond with the property rights of landowners to use their land for logging, farming and gas drilling. Three Democrat Governors from the States of Delaware, New York and Pennsylvania propose to steal what I have. These deceitful “leaders” are acting more like dictators than governors and what they are dictating are the policies of city voters completely out of touch with reality.

These are the same “leaders” who favor sanctuary city violations of Federal law, pass gun control legislation, in the middle of the night and have taxed and spent New York into becoming the highest taxed state in the nation.

The cost to society of these land grabbers’ collective policies is enormous. Sanctuary cities are using hundreds of millions of your tax dollars, if not billions, to protect illegal aliens from deportation. They give them welfare, food-stamps, housing and medical care, all while breaking federal law and we are paying for it. Meanwhile, some of our veterans who are forced to sleep on subways and in shelters are turned away from the same benifits.

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