Landowners Strike Back at Scandalous DRBC Fracking Ban: Peter Wynne

This is the testimony of Peter Wynne given at the January 23rd DRBC Hearing in Waymart on their proposed fracking ban. Let it speak for itself.

As most of you surely know, the Delaware River Basin Commission decided that natural gas wells fell within the commission’s regulatory purview all the way back in May of 2009. And a year later, the five commissions voted unanimously to hold off on any decision whether to permit such wells in the basin until drilling regulations had been adopted.

In December 2010, the DRBC published proposed regulations and held public hearings, with elicited more than 60,000 public comments. After reviewing these, the commission posted its revised draft regulations; this was early November 2011. But opponents of gas drilling raised such a ruckus, the commissioners backed away from their regulations and did not revisit them again in a public forum.

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