I have 3.125 acres I signed a lease with Hess they sold it to AEP we are in belmont county Pease township, I would sell my minerals I think... With only 3 acres its not going to set me for life right? We could use $ now I had 2 offers they didn't intrigue me enough to sell... how much per acre should I expect? Any thoughts or contacts on selling my minerals let me know  

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Comment by Cathy J Zimmerman on September 23, 2014 at 7:01am

Hi,  I also have 3 acres plus 2 other small lots in Belmont Co but have never been approached. I am assuming because I'm in the city limits?  I'm also close to the river.  I have been on the hedge as to weather to call some of the numbers on billboards and such.  Keep us posted on what you turn up!  Thanks and good luck.  I still lean to keeping it to lease.

Comment by Mike Fulper on September 22, 2014 at 10:32am

3 acres in BELMONT COUNTY...!  With all of the high output wells in the area....

I would consider keeping it....

3 acres could possibly pay you as much as $500 to $1000 an acre PER MONTH....

but $75,000 cash up front for 3 acres .. I guess I would sell.... NOTHING LESS....!!

Comment by Keith Mauck (Site Publisher) on July 7, 2014 at 9:24am

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