The Ithaca Commons, one of those struggling pedestrian mall projects from a couple of generations back, is undergoing an upgrade and part of the project is an expansion of natural gas service, right there in Planet Ithaca. Our readers will recall a series of posts we did called “There Ought To Be A Law.” We did a playful return to the era of that famous cartoon strip by the same name and noted how many natural gas opponents lived or worked in places that relied upon natural gas for heat. We found Josh Fox, Tony Ingraffea, Matt Ryan, Sandra Steingraber, Michelle Bamberger, Robert Oswald and the Park Foundation family all live or work in places using natural gas, which in virtually every case involves the use of the hydraulic fracturing process they all condemn in the harshest possible terms. We have also noted several times the conversion of The Dakota building in New York, where Yoko Ono and Sean Lennon reside, to natural gas. Such dissonance is perhaps the defining character of so much of the nature gas opposition and now comes a new example: the Ithaca Commons.
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