New York Post Endorses Reformer Molinaro Over Corruptocrat Cuomo

Have members of the New York Post editorial staff been reading NaturalGasNOW? It sure looks that way. They just endorsed Molinaro over Corruptocrat Cuomo.

Perhaps I should have copyrighted the term. My use of Corruptocrat to describe Andrew Cuomo has mostly been well received by NaturalGasNOW readers. One follower did advise me to go lighter on it. It seems, though, the New York Post agrees it is only natural to call Cuomo by the slang term that perfectly describes his character. They just published an editorial entitled “Vote for reformer Marc Molinaro, not corruptocrat Andrew Cuomo.”

I didn’t invent the term Corruptocrat. I did think of it on my own as I tried to describe in my head what had become so clear about this man-child.  I then searched the web and found this at

It can also mean a corrupt bureaucrat and no current governor in America has done more to corrupt the bureaucracy under his authority. The way he has used his Department of Environmental Conservation to ban fracking “at this time” and halt pipelines by turning DEC research and regulations inside out is the prima facia case.

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