EID's Mike reports the US Chamber of Commerce's study showing job growth coming to states around the nation because of shale development:

"This week the United States Chamber of Commerce, through its Institute for 21st Century Energy, released part two of a three-part series studying the topic of shale benefits state by state in a study called America’s New Energy Future. The comprehensive study was completed in conjunction with the American Petroleum Institute, American Chemistry Council, America’s Natural Gas Alliance and the Natural Gas Supply Association.

Some of the key highlights of the study show us that in Ohio more than 38,830 jobs have been created, including direct, indirect and induced categories.  Also, 143,595 new jobs will be created by the year 2020. By the year 2035, the number will climb to 266,624.

Karen Harbert who serves as President and CEO of the Energy Institute at the U.S. Chamber explained the importance of shale development in Ohio:

Shale energy is a game changer for American and for Ohio, the latest installment of this study allows us to quantify just how significant the impact on Ohio’s economy will be. It provides all the more reason to strongly support responsible shale energy development (U.S. Chamber’s Energy Institute Co-sponsors Study on Shale Benefits by State, 12/19/12)

IHS, a leading global energy research firm, looked at three main components of job creation in order to gain the full scope of job creation in the state."

READ THE REST: http://www.eidohio.org/americas-new-energy-future/

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