Energy In Depth's Shawn:
"Marvin Resnikoff is well known in the Marcellus region for his anti-shale stance. He has been the subject of at least four posts written by our counterparts in the Marcellus, each highlights the fallacies, bizarre claims, and faulty science that Mr. Resnikoff has offered in an attempt to instill fear to block shale development in its tracks. Now, Resnikoff has made his way to our state with his latest report titled “Hydraulic Fracturing Radiological Concerns for Ohio.” The 37-page study is devoid of credible science, and it’s mostly just the same alarmism Mr. Resnikoff is known for in New York and Pennsylvania.
Reznikoff’s latest research begins with the following sentence:
“It is a known fact that the Marcellus and Utica shale formations are radioactive, with concentrations of radium-226 that are up to 30 times background.”
An astute reader will check the citation for this claim and when they do they find Resnikoff’s entire house of cards is built upon a citation of his own work. Of course, it’s worth mentioning that work was thoroughly debunked by Ralph Johnson, an attorney who has practiced radiation law for over 30 years and led the U.S. Department of Justice Radiation Litigation Team. His research in 2012 on this same subject, by the way, was equally bogus – and EID has a brand new video explaining why.
This time around, Mr. Resnikoff sets his sights on Ohio and naturally occurring radioactive material (NORM), as well as technically enhanced naturally occurring radioactive material (TENORM). Let’s go through some of Mr. Resnikoff’s more egregious assertions.
In describing Ohio regulation of radioactive materials at landfills, Mr. Resnikoff mistakenly reports that field testing is becoming more widespread, but still not required. While this may be true for some landfills, every solid waste landfill that accepts TENORM from oil and gas operations is required to test TENORM entering their facilities."
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