Simona Perry: Pennsylvanians Have a Death Wish

Dr. Simona Perry spoke Wednesday night at Wilkes University in Wilkes-Barre, Pennsylvania, which seems to be making a habit recently of entertaining natural gas opponent “experts.” Posing as an anthropologist or something, she seemed to be in way over her head and couldn’t hide her anti natural gas development agenda.

Earlier this week we sat in on a talk by Dr. Simona Perry, a research partner at c.a.s.e. Consulting Services. For those of you not familiar with Perry’s work she has a Ph.D in Wildlife & Fisheries Conservation (Human Dimensions), a M.S. in Marine Affairs and a B.S. in Wildlife Conservation. Some of her current research projects include multi-sited ethnographies, policy analyses in rural and indigenous communities, and a geographic information system related to public and private investments in water quality across Pennsylvania and New York. Perry suggests her degrees make her an “applied anthropologist,” whatever that is. Nonetheless, that would seem to be fine if, during her presentation, she stuck to to this supposed expertise, but when she began to go into water well testing she helped conduct and claimed the industry does not disclose the chemicals used in the natural gas extraction process, a few red flags went up in our heads.

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