State Lawmakers Take Testimony on Fracking Double-Standards

Elected officials, community leaders and residents came together yesterday to offer testimony on the DRBC’s proposed fracking ban and the economic impact it would have.

An important hearing to discuss the DRBC’s proposed permanent ban, was held yesterday at the Camp Ladore Pavilion in Waymart. It was led by House Majority Policy Chairman Kerry Benninghoff and Representative Jonathan Fritz. Rep. Fritz has been passionate about urging the DRBC to reconsider their proposed fracking ban and allow natural gas drilling in the Delaware River Basin. Rep. Fritz pointed out there other basins in the Commonwealth allowing drilling and “landowners are prospering from the natural gas industry, farms are being saved and reinvigorated and small towns are back to work.”

Rep. Fritz also noted a few of the invited testifiers, the Governor’s office, DEP and the DRBC, declined to come. There were seven testifiers present who all gave excellent testimonies and made may good points.

Jim Barbour of the Susquehanna County Farm Bureau said our “farms have been kept in business, agriculture has improved and we have the best roads we’ve ever had thanks to natural gas drilling.”

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