The Depth and Breadth of Natural Gas Industry Talent

Oil and natural gas quality assurance specialist Don Crusan gives his thoughts about the many people of the natural gas industry who make the Marcellus Shale region a great place to live and work, focusing on the wide array of opportunities and jobs to be found in the industry.

I have been chasing the money and projects in energy sectors over the years, from coal through nuclear and settling on natural gas and oil for the last 35 years as a Quality Assurance Specialist. I specialize in tubulars, static equipment, and rotating equipment.

If you are like a lot of people, you ask me what kind of insurance I sell. Well, the best way to describe what I do is thus; I do my best to assure the product you ordered from a manufacturer or vendor is manufactured to the stringent specifications you or your design engineers have required; specifications such as those promulgated by API, ASME standards, and/or the parameters of a purchase order.

This brings me to the staff behind the scenes that make this business happen and this industry hum. They are often overlooked by the media and the greater populace. You see, the industry is more than just a corporation. It’s comprised of hundreds of thousands of hardworking men and women and far more positions than the stereotypical laborers or truck drivers the public often identifies with oil and gas.

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