The Rolling Blackouts of NIMBY Minds on Pipelines

Threats of rolling blackouts are meaningless to fractivists and NIMBYs who imagine electricity appears magically without need of natural gas or pipelines.

It has seemed to us, anecdotally at least, that most of the media in Virginia has tilted left and anti-pipeline when covering stories about the Atlantic Coast Pipeline (ACP) and Mountain Valley Pipeline (MVP) projects, both slated to cross the state. So imagine our surprise in reading an editorial from the editors of the Fredericksburg, VA Free Lance-Star that gives full-throated support for fracked shale gas pipelines.

The editorial begins by calling those who oppose ACP “NIMBYs” (Not In My Back Yard). Later in the editorial, we learn this startling fact: “To prevent blackouts in Virginia this summer, Energy Secretary Rick Perry had to give Dominion Energy permission to reopen two shuttered coal-burning plants (Yorktown 1 and 2) in response to a request by PJM Interconnections, which manages the electric grid in 13 states. That’s how close the East Coast is to a real power crisis.”

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