Trapped in the Southern Tier: The Vicious Cycle of Cuomo

The Southern Tier is like a fallen leaf, dried up and scattered to the wind, destined to be mulch, its people trapped in a vicious cycle wrought by Cuomo.

One of the favorite canards of the anti-fossil crowd (canard – an unfounded story, not to be confused with the French “quacking duck” from whence it derives) is that areas where natural gas is developed suffer declines in real estate values.

This is patently false. Real estate prices always decline in areas that are depopulating. This leads to oversupply and the inevitable fall in values. Why do people leave an area? Largely due to lack of opportunity and high taxes, and in some cases, exacerbated by bad weather and rising crime.

Case in point that hits close to home, so to speak.

I was chatting with a friend who works for a local gas company and asked when they would be moving to Susquehanna County for a shorter commute. The answer was “not soon.” For over a year their house in Elmira, New York, has been on the market – and even with repeated reductions – not even a nibble.

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