*UPDATE* Ohio State, WVU Team Up for Shale Research

UPDATE (5:05 pm ET, 7/23/2013): Ohio State University is again announcing big news concerning research on Ohio’s shale development.  Just four months after announcing a research partnership with West Virginia University, Ohio’s largest public university has announced an interest in studying a working shale well on university land.

OSU owns mineral rights to 780 acres around their research station in Noble County.  The school’sShale Water Management Research Cluster is looking to use the well to research subjects such as waste water treatment.  The University of Tennessee has a similar plan to study hydraulic fracturing on 8,600 acres of university-owned property in Tennessee’s Cumberland Forest (academic research that the Sierra Club opposes, for some reason).

Dr. Jeff Daniels, director of OSU’s Subsurface Energy Resource Center, has spoken with Energy In Depth many times on how shale development can provide jobs for his students. He emphasized that this project would provide for “constructive research” on a topic of growing importance to the Ohio economy.

READ THE REST: http://energyindepth.org/ohio/ohio-state-wvu-team-up-for-shale-rese...

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