We Need Leadership that Understands this Nation's Resources: Fred's Not the Guy for the House Energy & Commerce Chair

Does anybody have better ideas??

From Politico, "Conservatives on and off Capitol Hill are waging a campaign to show that the Michigan Republican isn’t conservative enough to chair the powerful committee that will be in the center over fight on health care and energy policy next year." See: http://www.politico.com/news/stories/1110/45059.html

I'll admit, I find Upton's support for phasing out some incandescent light bulbs rediculous. I go out of my way to not buy fluorescent bulbs, they don't light up the rooms as well. I also find it sad that so much time has been spent on "solutions" such as this rather than real difference makers. Does anybody else find it funny that these bulbs would be pushed on us to be energy efficient, while the electric car is pushed on us to "save" energy?

[Note: $40. The monthly cost of charging your car in the State of Michigan.] See http://www.insideline.com/chevrolet/volt/2011/how-much-will-it-cost-to-charge-chevy-volt-in-michigan.html

If he does get the chair, we'll all be a little more interested on what his thoughts are on natural gas?

Some of Fred's thoughts.

"I strongly believe everything must be on the table as we seek to reduce carbon emissions – particularly renewable sources of energy like wind and solar, nuclear power and clean coal technologies. The potential for renewable wind energy in southwest Michigan is especially great – not only for our local energy supply, but for our local economy as well." From his website

"“It is well known that gas will play a more prominent role in a carbon-restrained world. In fact, the success of any climate-change policy will need to rely heavily on gas. Yet some members of Congress are seeking policies that would take a majority of our domestic gas off the table.” During a Congressional hearing on the XTO-Exxon Merger.

"Specifically, we are urging your support for maintaining the exemption of hydraulic fracturing from the provisions of the SWDA, especially in light of no federal studies indicating that the time honored practice has contaminated drinking water supplies." In an open letter to Rep. Markey and Rep Waxman he along with 15 other representatives.

"Climate change is a serious problem that necessitates serious solutions." From His Website.

"Quite simply, this legislation puts the nation’s working families in the crosshairs." On the Waxman/Markey CapNTrade Bill

Question: Is Upton the guy to beat back the long tentacles of the EPA? Though i'm glad he sees natural gas positively, he's bi-polar. He sees wind and solar as saviours, or at least he talks them up as such. This is folly. We need leadership on the committee that fully understand the resources that this nation contains. When I say leadership, I am not simply meaning republican. There are actually a couple democrats who would be better than upton; D'crats that could not get a voice under the Waxman rule.

Anyways, it seems like a wasted opportunity to settle for someone who thinks a windmill in every backyard is the solution.

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