Weatherman Felon is Anti-Gas Spokesperson for Healthy Schools

A group called the Healthy Schools Network has been trying to make a case against hydraulic fracturing and natural gas development in New York. It turns out the group has very unhealthy extremist connections.

Last Friday’s Susan Arbetter show out of Albany (“The Capitol Pressroom”) included, at 38:00, an interview with two individuals from an organization known as the Healthy Schools Network about the impact of hydraulic fracturing and natural gas development on New York Schools. It wasn’t a particularly illuminating interview and largely consisted of arguments set forth in this story last year, which we’ll address in a moment. What really caught our attention was one of the spokespersons for the group, an individual named Jeff Jones and that led to a few other interesting findings about the Healthy Schools Network.

Jeff Jones is listed as one of two organizational contacts in this press release last year regarding the Healthy School Network’s position on hydraulic fracturing and natural gas development. He also appears as a director of the organization in its 990 return for 2010 and reportedly consults with the group. He went on the air with Susan Arbetter to intone, in his most serious non-threatening voice, his great concern about the “serious questions facing the health of our kids.” Well, the parents ought to be concerned because if the health of New York’s schools is to be influenced by Jeff Jones, there is plenty to worry about given his unhealthy history of extremist activism.

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Comment by Schnoozie on February 7, 2013 at 4:44am

Steven Weiss, my comment to Thomas was not about the growth of the industry. Thanks for the distraction statement away from the topic of the article. The person involved with this "Healthy Schools Network" namely the man, Jeff Jones, and his horrific, radical, past-present-future activities. This man is very close to the company Obama keeps, it is a well known and documented fact. I say this man, and those like him are welcome at the Obama dinner table at any time. 

Comment by stephen weiss on February 6, 2013 at 3:32pm
The fact is that natural gas production, and the natural gas industry, has grown tremendously during the Obama presidency.
Comment by Thomas J Shepstone on February 5, 2013 at 7:24am

Sadly true.

Comment by Schnoozie on February 5, 2013 at 6:24am

This man is welcome at Obama's dinner table any time. With all privelages.

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