Why Does Tom the Taxman Wolf Keep Lying About Severance Taxes?

Tom “the Taxman” Wolf never relents in spreading lies when it comes to severance taxes because he aims to reward the public employee unions who are his base.

Tom Wolf, the taxman, was at it again yesterday, telling Southeastern Pennsylvania (Philadelphia region) politicians how he wanted to rescue them and their public employee union political base with a severance tax on natural gas. He repeated, yet again, the same lies he’s been telling since he ran for Governor in 2014, starting with the fact out-of-staters would pay most of the tax and, of course, continuing to pretend we don’t already have a severance tax that produces more revenue than other states he cites as examples.

severance taxesTom “the Taxman” Wolf is not especially smart, having made as many enemies within his party as outside it. He’s a trust-funder through and through, having inherited a company run by others and devoted his life to trying to look smart. He’s also a liar of the first order as he proved with this news release:


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