The derrick is up and I think they're drilling!

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Yes it is up and it is drilling. Are you close enough to let us know what the traffic, noise, smells etc of the drilling are like for the rest of us to better understand what a drilling operation entails?

Drove past the well site on Monday and can confirm action.  Not there long enough to sense amount of traffic.  The roads, in their current state are no great shakes, and can imagine if/when fracking begins that  there will be remediation required.  No sense of extraneous odors at this state of drilling.



Is this a Clinton oil rig or a shale gas rig? I understand the shale gas rigs take up 4 to 6 acres of land and are HUGE.


This is a Utica Shale rig, going deep and horizontal under Congress Lake.
Picture of the Derrick

Here is a recent aerial photo of the Hosey well site taken oct 23, 2011:



Thanks Brian!  Anymore photos? I see the derrick is down now and the fracking derrick is in place


Some more recent photos of the Hosey well taken late November

Thanks Brian, I wonder if they're done fracking?

Unfortunately I don't know much about what I'm photographing here.  Is what appears in these photos the fracking derrick?

We are near the well in Freedom Township off SR88.  When preparing the pad they ran probably 30+/- gravel trucks for about 3 days - there was a few traffic delays but nothing that big.  Occasionaly when onloading equipment in the beginning they would do it on the road which would cause some delays but maybe 10-15 min. One evening the traffic was stopped and one car was rearended.  We live close enough that we can see lights and hear equipment running if outside, the noises are no worse than a farmer making hay or harvesting corn, wheat etc.  All and all it really hasn't disturbed our everyday routines.  They just put up the drilling rig today. 

I happened to pass the Hosey well yesterday and I saw a Flare coming from a seperator, so I am assuming the well is fraced. I did not have a camera so could not take any pictures.


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