That, I believe is the question at this point in time. Much controversy has resulted from the utilization of hydraulic fracturing. Whether you are for drilling or against it, I ask that you please take a moment to read my position.

     Hydraulic fracturing as a practice and shale harvesting in general have been under fire in the recent years, and for good reason. Hydraulic fracturing is still a relatively new method of mineral and gas extraction, and not coincidentally, further study, examination, and analysis of its workings should and must be considered before it can be implemented as a recognized and trusted method of extraction. I do not claim to be any sort of authority on the geological or scientific subtleties of "fracking," but I will ask those authorities to exercise their undoubtedly reputable logic and common sense when dealing with something as critical as drilling. I speak for the welfare of all those involved when I say that I am for drilling, but I am also for nature. I recognize that drilling is utterly essential to satiate our fueling needs, however I know that if more time is invested into the observation and experimentation of hydraulic fracturing, we can have our fuel and minimize our environmental impact simultaneously. Drilling is, as it has always been, a lucrative business; and obviously our economy will benefit significantly from its revenues which I think is wonderful. I also understand this argument from an environmental perspective which, at least in my opinion, is just as important. I have learned that nature is to be respected, and should always be considered because it is necessary for our existence and survival. I would kindly and respectively ask anyone who would attempt to argue that to provide me with one substantial proof that says otherwise. That being said, I ask you readers, what is your position, and why do you stand for that particular position? I look forward to reading your thoughts, comments, and opinions concerning what I have said and what you believe. Thank you for your time and understanding. Any constructive criticism is thoroughly welcomed.

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surely Jack, thanks for asking.   I did post it earlier in this I didn't really understand til I read the report myself.  Here is the link to the actual report done by the Oklahoma Geological Survey.



From the conclusions of the Oklahoma Geological Survey report: “Whether or not the earthquakes in the Eola Field were triggered by hydraulic-fracturing these were small earthquakes with only one resident reported feeling them.”


Nowhere in the report did it state that hydraulic-fracturing caused the earthquakes.

Nowhere in the report did it state that the earthquakes caused any damage.

If these earthquakes were so small that only one resident reported feeling them; it is very highly likely that they could possibly have caused any damage of any sort.

These itsy-bitsy little tremors in Oklahoma in no way present a problem, just a curiosity of no consequence.


You stated: “someone from that area in Oklahoma is on this gomarcellusshale site....I don't think they are laughing.   It was their home or business that was harmed by the earthquakes...not a laughing matter”

Could you reference that post, nothing that I have read about these little hiccups in Oklahoma indicates that they could have been able to cause any damage. 

Small earthquakes are possible essentially anywhere.

Over time, stress builds up within the earth and this stress is released by an earthquake.

 Hydraulic-fracturing does not impart enough energy to move great blocks of rock within the earth.

It is conceivable that a small earthquake, that would otherwise have occurred in a week or a month, might occur a little bit earlier due to hydraulic-fracturing lubricating a fault.

A small bird flying by might cause a rotting old building to collapse minutes earlier that it would have otherwise collapsed.  Just because that building collapsed as a small bird flew by does not mean that the bird caused the building to collapse; the building collapsed because it was a rotting old building.

And just as an observer who saw that bird fly by the building, might state that the bird caused the building to collapse – someone noting tiny earth tremors might erroneously attribute these earthquakes to recent or ongoing hydraulic-fracturing.

Hydraulic-fracturing causing an earthquake of any size really is laughable.

Hydraulic-fracturing would not trigger an earthquake that would not otherwise been about to soon occur.

I try to be careful to identify opinions as opinion.

I do not offer this as opinion, I present this as fact; fact based upon knowledge gained while acquiring my degree in Geophysics (with thesis in Seismology).

OBTW, don’t believe all you read on (not the best place to acquire accurate technical information).




the report states that one man called into their office to report the quake at that time..yet  ....thousands of people were affected  by the recent quakes in Nov. 2011..they were probably calling 911 not the Oklahoma Geological survey department.


also I am not involved in drilling other than being a landowner who is learning...I just suggested that some research online be done to see what is happening with the studies that are being done regarding the use of certain chemicals in the injections involving the fracking process.  You said that it was conceivable that a small earthquake might occur a little bit earlier due to hydraulic fracturing lubricating a fault...the report said there was similtaneous fracking going on...and it is an area of concern for many.


I do not read treehugger often...just saw that online for the first time to obtain the link which was in pdf form but then  I looked again online and found the quickview link and posted it.

Jack, upon further research as you gave me the info that I missed when I read that article by the Okla. Geo survey.....I didn't realize that the man called in on Jan. 18th, 2011. ( for I had been alarmed at the info about the Nov. 6th earthquakes in Okla. and didn't really pay much attention to the date of the report as I had learned about it just recently and found that link while researching about the quakes)  .. after discovering the different date  I just researched any data I could find about Jan. 18, 2011 date with earthquakes and surely there is a substantial one to report on the very same day in another part of the world, Pakistan.  Coincidence?

now at the link there is no mention of Oklahoma...but it really may have something to do with the earth's relationships with the plates (dont know)...but I do see that possibly it didn't have anything to do with the fracking going on.  Of course the geological report contains more info than just that one account from the man that brought it to their attention.

Yet something clearly is going on in Oklahoma seismic activity.  And I am sure that those involved are looking for a reason quickly to see if they can find remedy in hopes that it won't happen again.

Jack , many people like myself really appreciate your knowledge and I think it is true what's  stated  there is no concrete evidence on the earthquake issue , but to make a statement like you have that it has never happen is just as bold .

I have an associate that has your same credentials  that works in the industry and he cannot make that claim .

No one can other than the One we are celebrating  His birth this month.

Dosen't an earthquake happen when fractures in the earths plates shift because of pressure  ?  What made the plates move a fracture .If there were no fractures the plates wouldn't be plates .

What does the word fracture mean .

When we live in a society that is fossil fuel driven there are there are risks , but we can't stop our exploration nor do I want to .

Lets hope if any connections are proven that greed dosen't hide them rather look for solutions .

Our biggest treat is the handling of the toxic fluids that are used and there proper disposal .

Youngstown, Ohio has had 8-9 small earthquakes since March 2011 when a 9300' deep oil field waste disposal well went online. The earthquakes were centered around the well.  Prior to this well going on line there had never been an earthquake recorded in Youngstown's history.  It apparently  is not the fracking of production wells that causes the problem, its the injection of the waste into disposal wells that causes the problem.  Ohio's 2nd largest earthquake occurred in 1985 from an injection well. It caused lots of damage.  The wells mentioned above injected fluid into the Mt.Simon sandstone which sits on top of precambrian rock.  Shallower formation disposal wells ( 4-5000' deep) don't seem to cause a seismic problem in Ohio but they can't take the volume of waste that the Mt. Simon wells do.

The EPA did a study upon Second Hand Smoke years ago. That study was taken to Federal Court where the Federal Judge Olstien condemned the study and denounced it. The case was appealed and it was overturned on technicality. This same study although denounced it has been the foundation of the multi billion dollar anti smoking cartel.
You might ask what this has to do with Fracking well check out the story in the Washington Post on the Spas Fracking story.
I really don't like the idea of a government agency with such a broad power myself!
The EPA did a study upon Second Hand Smoke years ago. That study was taken to Federal Court where the Federal Judge Olstien condemned the study and denounced it. The case was appealed and it was overturned on technicality. This same study although denounced it has been the foundation of the multi billion dollar anti smoking cartel.
You might ask what this has to do with Fracking well check out the story in the Washington Post on the Spas Fracking story.
I really don't like the idea of a government agency with such a broad power myself!
Sorry for the double post.

thanks Billy...does anyone know where Ian is....I think he was insulted and it is that was unnecessary as it is a decent question and a concern.   I hope he comes back to his own discussion.


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