Here is the area for questions about leases. Mind you the information you hear should not be considered as legal advise but it will possibly shape a better session with an attorney if you have some basic knowledge about a lease. By all means, in the amount of money one may make in this shale play legal advice is worth its weight providing that attorney is working for you.

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Did you know you can trace back you property on line? Did you know you can track a lease upon your property as to who originally had it to who currently has it? 

For deed and lease info  for Muskingum County go to click on the PUBLIC ACCESS in the middle of the bottom which will open a new window there ya go type in a last name and just throw in a first letter of the name of the person hit the SEARCH-Show Final Results it will open a new window. scroll to the name your looking for, 5th column in shows the subject matter,  6th shows from who it originated 7th shows who got it, 10th shows book and page click on it it opens a new window top right of page it shows images in numbers of pages in the document click on it (run the application) and you can view the pages. you can print them out with the print icon in the top left.  Get another cup of coffee, yea they pay people money to do this! 

Billy,  This is my first post to this site. I've been reading on here for a couple months now, excellent site.

I tried to look up our property on the site you provided, but it wouldn't take me to the names page after clicking on the Search - show final results.

We have 80 acres in southern Musk. Co. which borders the AEP on 3 sides. Two wells on it drilled in the late 80's. One shut in at the battery, we get free gas from. The other makes a LITTLE gas, none of which got sold in 2011 because of compressor problems. Probably not any chance of us getting in on this big play. I believe Anadarko has the AEP.

Thanks for your reply, Mark.

The lease is from 1985, and I don't see any other acreage amount other than our 80,... these things are difficult to comprehend. LOL.

I could easily read to you the clause, if you want me to give you my number.Does this site have a PM feature?

Mark, yes, there is, but gives no acreage, only "with other land".

Ok, Mark, thanks so much for your help !

I just ran it using Anadarko in the first block and it brought up 4  different documents totaling 61 pages!

Very interesting to look at this  if your name is on  the list it looks as though your chances of cashing in looks very possible, downfall is depending upon what your lease states. Using the Oil and gas calculator I put in your 80 acres at the old 12.5% of a 640 acre unit at $100 a bbl with say 500 bbl a day. It's not the best forcast but do you think you could use $285,156.25 for the first year? 

 Of course you will not see the huge sign in bonus money but it sure isn't peanuts at the very worst.  This of course is a hypothetical projection. But it looks as though the lease language is one that will force drilling  which is good as it does not allow for tieing up the land.

  This is of course is based upon the idea you are the original lessor of the lease! 

Thanks for the link, Billy, we're not on the list ,but several in the immediate area we know are on it. Also looks as tho AEP area, (with whom we border on 3 sides)  formerly Belden Blake lease is on there.

Well sawdust the idea here is share information.  You might like to tell them about it so they might look at their leases as it may just be a shocker for them to find this out. Invite them here surely if they are effected they would probably have questions. Billy

For Muskingum County if you are leased was your lease flipped?

If your in Muskingum County, Ohio and your not sure who really has your lease you may want to look at the documents from the Muskingum County Recorder’s Office. 

But it does show Chesapeake must be interested to make this move! You might need to allow a java plug in to run to view.

Put Chesapeake into the name box.

Evidently Anadarko doesn't have all of the Ohio Power (AEP) ground here next to us. Hummmmmm..... Wish it showed the sections too.

Have you tried the respective count auditors office to see if they have a inline view able land plat map? 

I posted this into another thread to draw some possible answers from others about it. You might be in this situation.

Ok here is a thought provoker.  Some individuals bought the oil wells on their property. When they did they thought that was the end of it without thinking about the lease. So what we have is the landowner bought the working interest only and not the lease. 

  If the lease read as long as gas or oil is produced then you pull the plug on it and you get the lease.  What do you think about those apples? However some leases  read as longer as oil and gas is found. Well if your the 100% working interest holder you decide, as the lease holder has no working interest in the well you get the lease back by saying its capooey? What ya think of those oranges?

Say tuned for answers.


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