i have a question...i have leased land..in mah..co..calla rd..near 2 sites approved of....i dont know if i am part of the unit or not..that is my concern,,how do we know what unit we are in...and if not this unit...can i hope one day i will be in a unit getting royalities...if things go well....after the lease i cant find out much info...hope to here...
Your best hope for being put into a unit is if someday they put a well in the huge field across the street from your property.
Just having a lease does not mean that they put you into a unit. That is only the first step.
The well on Western Reserve is a different company than your lease holder, is at the wrong angle, and is way too far from you.
The well on New Middletown Rd. is only permitted vertical so far. There is a good chance that it might not get drilled. I am hearing rumors. Either way, you are 2500 feet from the vertical, and are at the wrong angle. You may as well forget about both of those wells.
thanks..so you need to be at least 2,500 ft near well...ok...and why do you think they wont drill on middletown rd...what about the angle....do they drill only one direction after the vertical..or could they go under my property...i believe at some time my property would be included..even if in the far future if there is possitive results from these wells around me..and if they do produce i would imagine more wells in the area ...it must be a good area for the # of wells projected in the area...and now this talk of oil...is that only taken from a vertical well..
The vertical permits means that they are just staking their claim. They will drill Northwest, and Southeast. I believe that they will only pay within 500 feet of where they drill.
There are well pads built and ready to go that have been waiting for drill rigs for several months. The Mahar well doesn't even have any survey flags out yet. It will be a long time on that one.
my property is close to mahar...in the back there are flags..marking a location and flags on rt..45 to the south of his property...so why do they only drill in 2 directions..you would think once they have the drilled site they could go any which direction..and if they hit oil i would think lots of wells would drilled in the area..is there a limit to how many sites per unit or acre...
again thanks..all the info i get is so helpful..also another site on western res..which is north..northeast of my prop..i have seen the flags .and heard problems with mah..eng..and the road..i am out of the state now..this site now is my eyes and ears.....you say find the unit map...so where do you find this map..
i dont expect any action for maybe 1 or more yrs..to come..i believe when the mills have the full output of pipe and the infastructure more in place..and the price of gas and the conversion to use it also comes into play...as i believe now the drilling is focused on hitting oil..not gas at these prices...
i was wanting also to know if the co..i signed with sells my lease..would i be notified..now it was signed with chk......and as far as i believe it still is..
How did you find information on the # of wells projected for this immediate area?
I have just been approached to sign a lease for my meager 9.89 acres on Beloit Snodes. I was told there will be drilling starting SOON on Middletown Road within sight of my property. I don't think I've been given a very good offer. Does anyone know of a landowner group or unit in my area? I asked for an "on surface lease" on the advice of an attorney and was told by M&D that they just won't do business with me and will go ahead without my piece. Seems pretty rude! My neighbor to the south has 57 acres that is under old gas & oil leases and he is upset that he has never even been advised of new drilling in our neighborhood. HELP!! I'm new to all of this.
what was your offer...and what co..approached you.?
what is an on surface lease
I contacted attorney Alan Wenger in Salem and was connected with his associate, Tom Corey. I am faxing them the proposal tomorrow to review. I had told the landman from Mason & Dixon that I would sign when we agreed on a price IF the lease was clear that NOTHING would be done on my land. The attorney said that was a fairly common lease request and was termed an "on surface lease." When I contacted the M&D landman (since he's left me 3 messages this weekend alone), he got testy when I told him what I wanted and that an attorney was looking over the lease proposal. That's when he said they would just leave me out. They are talking $3,500. I know in Columbiana on the Marcellus play people have gotten over $5,500.
I am trying to learn so I can decide what to do, but I'm finding lots of questions asked on this forum, but relatively few answers!
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