I live in Berlin Township, There is a new Utica well going up in Goshen township on Calla Road just off Route 534 and another in Butler Township near North Georgetown. They are getting very close. Does anyone know of others?

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Ruth, the new line I am talking about is going to run straight down Calla Rd. I'm sure that sometime in the future, we will have gas lines running everywhere.


A long time ago, the existing wells were all connected to each other. Those lines have since rusted out, and are no longer used. I have one on my property that I keep digging up. 

2 new wells will be located north jackson  this year.

Sorry! A little off topic but I'm hoping someone may know something..We signed leases a few months ago in the Village of New Middletown and were told that Hilcorpe would be drilling by April in our area..Has anyone heard of any intentions in our area yet??  or is that just part of the hurry up and get signed mumbo jumbo? lol 


There aren't any permits in your area yet.

I have a lot of friends in Petersburg, and I'm watching it closely. 


Hilcorp isn't going to be doing any drilling, folks. They're looking to flip to Chesapeake.

so where can i find the info..on the lines//.wells..ect..om line..what is the site name...i live on calla rd..between 45 and 62...so very interested...

This only gives the horizontal permits. http://www.ohiodnr.com/oil/shale/tabid/23174/Default.aspx


This gives all of them including the abandoned injection well across the street from your property.


I use a combination of Google Earth, bing maps, and the County Auditor's website to see exactly where these properties are, who owns them, and what their tax status is. There is enough public information out there, that I can almost tell what you had for breakfast.  

All of this is so helpful. But what is the pattern? Do they move from south to north and then is there a directional line east to west?  I guess I am trying to figure out what the next move is. There all ready exists a deep well Between Bedell Road at Western Reserve and an old abandon road that runs north to south ( used to hook up with Smith / Goshen Road) It has 4 or 5 horizontal leads from vertical. Saw it on the ODNR site. What company drilled that well, I am with Enervest at my farm.

This whole thing is just a land grab and a race to HBP everyone that they can. CHK isn't going to drill six laterals from one pad. They may tell you that but the numbers don't add up. They're going to space one well on every max unit size that they can for the next two years. Once they have the land tied up they might come back and do more laterals. As far as running their laterals in particular directions the geological community is not convinced. Mahoning county is a tough place to make into an oil patch simply because so much of the land is in suburbs and there is no good take away point for liquids. Want to know where the real drilling will be concentrated? Follow the pipes.

I agree, Assuming about 500' on each side of the horizontal hole and a length of 1mile only around 130 acres would be required. To put your property into a 1200 acre unit is just a ploy to hold your land forever.  

@Marcus Grayson, I assumed someone would be flipping b/c CHK and Hillcorpe both leased alot of land in our area but what makes you think Hilcorpe will not be drilling??? 

I know they won't be drilling because I know. I'll leave it at that. They're doing the same thing that Rex did in Carroll county. Lease everything you can near CHK then try to sell to them for huge numbers.


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