I take it that these wells are on presently leased land, and they are just drilling the wells as they would any other. No bonus money is talked about around here. Our wells are presently with enervest. Does any one have any news on this.
There are 8 permits in Goshen and 2 in Milton at this time.
you can see the operation the best from hole no. 16 on the back nine .
I am in Milton/Berlin Center just north of the wells permitted off 534. I have been keeping an ear on the tracks to hear whats coming. Since The end of march they have permitted what looks to be 4 verticals with 1 lateral each (8 Permits Total). Unit sizes ranged from 154-180. They also have the Geatches well on Newton Falls road with 2 laterals already on it and fraced. I havent heard any other talk of permits or seen any new permits other than above. We are hoping activity may increase by us as they have leased a contiguous 600 or so acres that I am part of and ground directly into to the pipeline in Ellsworth/Milton Townships. There is no doubt activity is heating up, I saw Patterson UTI's #154 (I think, only saw the number for a second) being moved through Poland yesterday and would imagine it was headed for the Martig/Jarvis unit on Calla. The last time I saw that rig was up near Wellsboro Pa. area in July or so. Just keep listening and asking!
Also, I would suggest you get an original copy of your lease agreement for the well on your property, instances are occurring where the current o/g leases are not sufficient for the deep wells for one reason or another and need to be renegotiated, discuss your lease with an o/g attorney you can find on good recommendation. You may be able to get a better deal out of it even if you don't get the big bonus money. Also, I don't know that these new deep wells were all on existing shallow well ground especially as they are drilling some shallow wells on the property concurrently.
Work has begun the Jarvis Well Pad located on Calla Road, East of SR-534.
Calla road is currently being repaved, too.
CNX got a permit approved to drill a 110ac well on Western Reserve rd a couple miles east of SR45 and Chesapeake got approved for an additional lateral on the Jarvis pad. One thing to note and clarfiy, there are a total of 8 laterals permitted for Mahoning county at this time the only ones drilled are the Geatches well in Milton township. In addition there are permits for 6 Verticals the only one drilled thus far is the Geatches unit in Milton township.
I think this is the one you're referring to. ODNR hasn't confirmed anything yet.
yep that well is by cnx gas permitted by ondr on the 14th of the month
We should see confirmation of it later today. Hate these one week delays ...
That seems to be it (for now) in Mahoning County. Haven't heard any more grumblings from anyone I've talked to.
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