Consul wants to do a core 3" sample on my land. Any advisement as they want to measure coal thickness and say 8000 ft. is their target. I own gas and oil tights, but not coal.

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That is rights, not tights!

RE: “Consul wants to do a core 3" sample on my land. Any advisement as they want to measure coal thickness and say 8000 ft. is their target.”

If 800 feet were their target, I would believe that they were looking for coal.

At 8,000 feet (depending upon exactly where you are) this would sound like a Stratigraphic test of the Marcellus Shale (and possibly other horizons down to and including the Utica).


The deepest coal mine in America is about 2000 feet deep (vertical).

It is impossible to economically mine coal at 8,000 ft.; or at depths anywhere near that depth. The deepest coal mine in the World is many thousands of feet shallower than 8,000 feet.

There is no earthly reason for coring to 8000 ft. for coal.


If someone made a mistake and meant 800 ft.; then that is coal.

At 8,000 ft. it is Oil & Gas.


If someone said 8,000 ft. for coal (and meant it), they were lying.




Don't discount the possibility of an 8,000' windfall of "tights";)  In all seriousness, I'd request from them further information/clarification as to what they are looking to do.

What does that mean? "tights"

Thank you, that is kind of what I thought.

Consul is the biggest US operator in Coal Bed Methane (CBM), actively producing CBM since the late 1980's, if not earlier. CBM was considered a "resource" for exploitation at least down to 6000' in the 1990's; maybe deeper now if gas prices recover in the next decade.

Much of the technology for horizontal wells, drilling, stimulation, dewatering, and field patterns were developed in CBM and adapted to O&G.

Coal gas, like shale gas, has fueled the "industrial valley" dating back to the mid-late 1800's.

not looking for coal at 8000 feet more like oil and gas ....make sure they pay you good for the testing ......way to deep for looking for coal........remember if a landman is talking 9 out a 10 times he is lying ......his only purpose is to get u to sign on the dotted line and do the best he can for the company he is being payed by .....nothing more then a used car salesman ....just he out to screw the landowner to benefit his wallet

What would "paying good" testing amount to? Thanks for the advice.

I love it when "experts" such as yourself pontificate about the perceived sleaziness of Landmen.  I wonder if your personal life could withstand the same scrutiny that mine does.  You and other respondents to this question have not made any assumptions as to whether she misunderstood the request.  I'd love to hear your story about how you were personally taken advantage of, but I am pretty certain that you are just parroting some gibberish that you've heard.  Either your mad because your 2 acres isn't going to make you a millionaire or your in an area where no one is leasing. 

RE: "I own gas and oil rights, but not coal."


Without additional information,it is difficut to guess at Consol's intentions.

Is you Oil & Gas leased?

If so, is it leased to Consol?

Are there any producing wells on your property; such that you are held by production?

It would help to know what State and what County your property is located in.


If Consol want to drill to 8,000 feet, they are not drilling to evaluate coal.

If Consol want to drill to 8,000 feet, they are drilling to evaluate potential for Oil & Gas.


I would suggest that you determine what Consol's exact intentions are, in writing.

You want to protect yourself from being held by Consol drilling a vertical well.


Again, without additional information,it is difficut to guess at Consol's intentions.






If you are leased the lease would probably allow that. With that said make sure it's for company that holds your lease (Consul).

  If your lease is with a different company or your not leased I would do the same as I would for seismic test. Make them lease you before hand or settle at at a price and tell them you want the results. Why should you allow them to hold all the cards.  Once they take that core sample they will have a very good idea about potential oil & gas and will try to get a "low ball" lease from you. If results are fair or poor you will probably get little to nothing.

Don't sign anything unless you are 100% sure what it says. Not what they tell you it says! Get competent advice. Better to spend a few hundred than get "cheated" out of thousands.

Uranium deposits possibly?  Seems to deep for the coal>


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