We have been unable to find much information about DUX Petroleum LLC, a company offering to lease land in Washington County, Ohio.

It occurred to us that if we asked members of gomarcellusshale to help search, together we could learn more.

Please help search and post what ever you find.

The website for DUX Petroleum LLC is: http://duxpetro.com/ but there are no links of any kind - no telephone number or address, no "about us" links or any other information.

A search on corporationwiki.com lead to this link:


A search on bizapedia.com came up with this link:


From them we learned that:

DUX Petroleum LLC was founded 10/25/12

It has a single member: Adam Popejoy

Its principle address is: 4403 48th St., Lubbock, TX 79414-3601

Because DUX Petroleum LLC is so new there is very little information about it. The only option may be to search for more information about Adam Popejoy and any of the companies he is associated with,

Please post anything you learn.

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Why not, Sam? Just because YOU think they 'won't pay' because YOU think they are a 'flipper' - DOESN'T mean that they WON'T, but who am I to say? I know nothing concerning this - except that for whatever reason you're all HOT & BOTHERED over it...like moose in heat! - or to be milder - like chickens running around the barnyard with your heads cut off...that's what they do, you know.

Funny. HOW can you make ANY 'deductions - one way or the other UNTIL you 'know what you know'...and you can't even do THAT...so HOW can you make ANY such claim? Unless, shale-DEEP down...there IS 'fear' that DUX IS 'real'. Maybe DUX is the government...in THAT case, you'll NEVER KNOW.

WHY are you all SO very bothered about this? Haven't you got everything in 'lockdown', just the way you all want it already? Hmmm...fear smells bad.

As one light lights another, nor grows less - so nobleness enkindles nobleness. THIS makes for good writing, indeed! What an interesting 'play'. GG 5.10.13

Jay - thanks for the great research!


What is not explicitly pointed out is that this small rental house (owned with two other partners – 2012 appraised value $88,073) is the only real estate that Adam Popejoy owns in Lubbock County, Texas – No house, no office building, no commercial real estate. Does this strike anyone else as strange, given he is supposed to be from “old Texas oil money”?


To do an owner search, using the same Lubbock county website mentioned by Jay, click on the following link and enter Adam Popejoy http://www.lubbockcad.org/Appraisal/PublicAccess/PropertySearch.asp... 


To see the house go to Google Maps https://maps.google.com/  enter in the address 3410 24TH ST
LUBBOCK, TX 79410 and click on the picture of the house in the left column.

As I said before, there apparently are people out there who want to sign with DUX. Your research should be enough to warn people off but probably won't be. Ideally the newspaper in Washington County should alert the citizens of Washington County to the many red flags that your research and that of others has raised about DUX Petroleum LLC. I note that Attorney Wells whose name was invoked by a proponent of DUX has not seen fit to comment on this site.

Why? Silence is golden...or so the old saying goes. I hope the DUX G/O Gang is havin'a BALL with you all! I must say, it's quite intriguing to watch....

WOW, this is better than the movies! As one light lights another, nor grows less - so nobleness enkindles nobleness. WHY are you all SO 'bothered' about this? Is it mainly a 'territory' thing? - worried that DUX will roll in & upset your 'well-oiled' apple cart? WHAT is the big deal?

Maybe there is enough money that they ARE 'Batman'! Wouldn't THAT be a trip! A real life comic-tale....

We want to add our thanks to Jay for the excellent research and to Searcherone for providing similar leads earlier in the discussion.

We will take the next step in the research by starting with the first company on the list of those companies with addresses at 4403 48th St. Lubbock, TX 79414 - Adam Popejoy Energy Investments LLC.

Please pick a company on the list to research and then post what you find. If we all pitch in we will get answers faster.

Adam Popejoy Energy Investments LLC

By clicking on the link in Jay's post we find that Adam Popejoy is listed as the President and Director.


There is no phone number listed for Adam Popejoy Energy Investments LLC.

According to bizapedia.com Adam Popejoy Energy Investments LLC is not "in good standing" with the State of Texas.


Thank you Michael. Cooler heads should have prevailed including mine.

Thank You Jay for your great research. I suppose if people want to sign with DUX, then however  it turns out, they will get what they deserve! Despite being called names by DrillBABY, my only motivation was to call attention to what I . perceive as some very large red flags about DUX. Your excellent research reinforces my suspicions about DUX. There are always people who will not heed even the most dire warnings. Unfortunately such people are often referred to as suckers.

What happened to all of Jay’s great research!!

It was there late last night – Now it is all gone!

Who has the ability to take those posts down?

Now many of the posts praising Jay’s research make no sense.

Jay, if you were pressured to take them down, please put them back up.

All you did was provide public information that is available on the internet to anyone with the skills to find it. Unfortunately most don’t have the time or don’t know where to look or how to find it.

Landowners need all the information they can get in order to make informed decisions. If it is inconvenient to influential people who have a personal or financial vested interest in the DUX deal – well that is too bad!

Jay, What happened to all of your good posts that were on this subject?  They were really good.


The article that you linked to is also very good.  It basically says that you need to know what company you are leasing with before signing with them.  Otherwise you don't know what kind of company may drill on your land.  SO Why would anybody sign with DUX without knowing more about the company???

Seeker: You are right on the money. Why were the links that Jay posted taken down. The information was very informative and certainly would raise some red flags about Dux. I am nearly computer illiterate and Jay's research was just superb.. Who took it down?...and Why?

Exactly, what did happen to Jay's research?   It was excellent;  I did have a posting missing recently-not from this discussion-and thought it was my computer skills, but now I question that as I prefer to post info that can be checked and verified.   The last time I looked I thought the First amendment gave free speech--I think that includes access to facts, not just opinions.

We too are troubled that Jay’s research was taken down!

While it is difficult to remember all of the research that Jay contributed, here is a start. If anyone can remember anything about the other research that was taken down, please post it.

Jay provided a link to a search showing all of the companies and people associated with the principle address for DUX Petroluem LLC. 4403 48th St. Lubbock, TX 79414. This is what Jay’s posting looked like.


Companies at this address:

People at this address:


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