More NGL pipeline capacity from our area to Marcus Hook:


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Thanks Philip, for posting this update on the second pipeline to complement the original Mariner East to transport even more App Basin Production to the US East Coast for shipment abroad.

Great News - Concerning the Open Season - I'm in!

And this from Marcellus Drilling News:

Let it Flow! ATEX Ethane Pipeline Testing Now, Online Soon

When it comes to carting away lucrative ethane from the Marcellus/Utica, there’s been a horse race between Sunoco Logsitics and their Mariner West pipeline to Sarnia, Canada, and the Enterprise Products Partners and their ATEX (Appalachia-to-Texas Express) pipeline to the Gulf. Mariner West recently won the race in a photo finish (see “Midstream Knife Fight” – Who Will Have 1st Operational NGL Pipelin...). However, Enterprise announced yesterday they are now filling the ATEX pipeline with ethane and testing it. The pipeline should be fully operational by the end of December–months ahead of schedule.

The exciting thing about the ATEX pipeline is it’s connection to four different fractionation (“separating”) plants: two in OH, one each in PA and WV. Why are these two ethane pipelines a big deal? Great question… It’s a big deal because until now–the end of 2013–drillers in the northeast have not been able to get their valuable ethane to market. They’ve had to burn ethane off or otherwise dispose of it–that is, they’ve had to spend money to get rid of their ethane. With the Mariner West and now ATEX pipelines up and running, ethane can now be sold at a profit. Drillers who have throttled back production on some of their wet gas (natural gas liquids producing) wells will now open them up and let it flow. That means more ethane, more methane, more production overall. Look for production to really jump in OH and southwestern PA.

Thanks for another fine update, Philip !!  And as the wet gas windows extend farther East, other portions of PA besides the Southwestern corner should also benefit from this pipeline horse race:)))


Aside from the Rex and Range Corporate reports, the Marcellus Drilling News ( is good source of information.  Full access requires a paid subscription.  Once you catch on to the format it is a nice read.

A great source of industry news and technical (surface) analysis is .  You have to sign up to see it all but it is free.  It is a bit awkward to navigate but LOTS of free information there.

There are other good Corporate reports (like Gulfport) but I'm in Butler County, PA and only Rex and XTO are in my area. 


Thanks, Philip.  I've seen your earlier references to RBN Energy.  I've considered it, but time's the limiting factor these days :)  I'm just pleased to see the several informative posts you've continued to make, and I applaud you for that.


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