This is to raise awareness of SSA-521. This post is very limited in scope. If you have leased your land and collected a large bonus, and if you are on Social Security, you might be interested in this. This will
not help others, except if you are younger and your parents are not on the internet this might help them.
SSA-521 is a Social Security form which accomplishes withdrawal of a person's Social Security application. It has become quite popular in the last several years for reasons completely unrelated to leasing. I will not go into those things here. You can research them on the internet. Look for the work of Larry (or Laurence) Kotlikoff. Here is a link to get you started:
but there are literally hundreds of internet articles out there on Kotlikoff's idea.
This is not about Kotlikoff and I will focus not on him, but instead on the tie-in to leasing:
The applicability here is for those who have leased and have been paid, or soon will be paid, a windfall bonus payment. Even when bonus payments are split, the tax hit can be very great. Anything that reduces income for the bonus tax year can be a help. That's where SSA-521 comes in. When you return your Social Security payments you are permitted to take a deduction for the year of the payback. That has the impact of reducing your income at a critical time. You also are not required to pay interest on the Social Security money. So you end us having had the use of the money and receiving a potentially large deduction for its return, provided the return comes in the same year you receive your bonus payment.
This is a complex financial matter and I cannot fully detail everything here. This post is only to raise awareness of SSA-521. Some Social Security recipients are unaware this exists.
While the thought here is to help with leasing, the Kotlikoff benefits remain also. If you believe we are headed into a time of very high inflation, the Kotlikoff approach is quite attractive completely aside from help with income reduction at a critical time.
I signed up for Social Security without consideration for eventual leasing of my land. The leasing matter was quite uncertain when I signed up. Well, leasing happened for me and I ended up with a windfall which rocketed me into a tax bracket heretofore unknown . . even with a split payment. And of course next year it could go even higher. This SSA-521 will mean thousands of dollars in my pocket. In addition and quite aside from leasing, I do foresee inflation ahead. When I reapply for Social Security (not for a few years) my monthly check will be much larger than before. And that larger amount will be eligible for the Social Security inflation adjustment . . as per Kotlikoff.
In closing, and once again, this is NOT for everyone. This approach has severely limited applicability. But for some older folks, this might be a help.