Friends of ours on Hornsby Hollow in Tioga County, PA have been approached by Shell to lease their OGM's for 5 years @ $300 per acre or 10 years @ $1,000.  Any thoughts on whether they should consider the offer?

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What sort of documentation are you looking for? Until a deal is done, there isn't anything you'll be able to find in the public record. I know what's for sale because folks I work with at other companies tell me. And don't hold your breath waiting for the cracker to be built either. I understand that's not in the cards any more.  

Precisely! Just hearsay! What I thought.

The potential sale of Shells 220,000 acres in Western PA is not hearsay. I personally viewed the map that Shell had displayed at NAPE East in Pittsburgh, PA this past April.

If you really have a need to further "verify" that the acreage is for sale, call their office in Sewickly PA.

Thanks for the confirmation - the value of second-hand information depends on the quality and reliability of the source. I think that most people in the industry knew these leases were on the market several months ago, and when you get the same story from several people who you can trust, that's enough for me.

It's also possible that shell wants to buy it so that no one else can use it.

That's very unlikely. There's nobody else trying to lease over there, so who are they preventing from using it? They must think the acreage has some value, although they haven't been signing new leases in most areas, just renewing expirations, So it's clearly not a hot prospect, but still a high enough priority for Shell to have some money available to pay landowners.  

 You have to think that Shell  found something real good in Tioga county PA they haven't stopped leasing and they keep drilling in the northern tier.The pipelines were put back to mid july but they are moving forward with it.

I've been hearing a lot of scuttlebutt, for what it's worth, around Wellsboro of an upturning in workers coming in, at least. Cautiously hopeful in the long term. 

interesting, thank you, Trapper.

Your welcome Deb. The truth shall set you free!
There are many here with hidden agendas , making it tough to separate the wheat from the chaff.


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