We recently received a letter and contract proposal to participate in a 3-D Seismic Study.  Not much from a monetary perspective ($5/acre).  Did a little research and found the following press announcement from TGS dated Feb 25, 2014.  The press announcement notes that the survey is supported by industry funding.  Not sure $5/acre is worth the bother.  Any thoughts, pro's/con's?   http://www.tgs.com/News/2014/TGS_Announces_Two_New_Onshore_Multi-cl...

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JT, We told him we weren't interested. If it becomes necessary down the line we will rethink it. Too much drama!!!!

JT the Freeport survey looks like it borders the Global geophysical survey from last year . Global conducted a 3d study just to the east of this one . They drilled about 15 shot holes on my property and were very professional about the hole process . In my opinion as a fellow Harrison county tax payer . I feel it is beneficial to have it done . Yes they will have a clear picture beneath your land which in turn will allow the oil company who is doing the drilling maximize the amount of resources they can recover . Which in theory should mean more money for the mineral owner in royalties .Are they going to take a SWAG at drilling a well when they can't see what's below the surface or drill where they know what's down there ?

what if your thinking of selling some minerals and the results come back bad?? if this info gets out to mineral buyers your screwed!

There is no bad ground in Harrison County . That question was presented to some geologists from an active E&P company currently drilling in our area. They laughed !
That's good to hear.

Thanks for the feedback and the link to the general shale discussion thread.  We have about 12 acres with a spring that is used as a water source. 

If you're worried about your water source, put language in the agreement that protects it. If they're not willing to insure that your water source won't be disturbed, don't sign.

Did any one consider that chesapeak would use the information from the seismic testing on each landowners property for collateral for loans thus putting a lein on your property They have already did testing from the roads. But that information can't be used as collateral to secure a loan. Only information on each parcel of land can be used to secure a loan. Do yo want multi million dollar liens on your property. I don't plus if chesapeak borrows and misuses the money what is stopping them from filling bankruptcy. More later

I don't believe a lein can be placed on your property for Chesapeake's loans. I do believe a lein could be placed against Chesapeake's lease, possibly preventing them from transacting any business due to the lease until the lein is satisfied.

It is my opinion that chesapeak need graphs and information on each property it uses as collateral to get a loan on the gas and oil on your parcels They have already did testing for thr area before leasing but that is not evidence they can use to secure a loan. In order to use gas and oil as a collateral on your property they must present evidence that oil and gas are on your parcels and how much. Thus the need to test each homeowners land so the can present their findings on each parcel of land they want to mortgage and place a lien on. That is why th $5 per acrea is offered and that price has been fixed by the testing companies. More later
Some of that may be true but the gas and oil lies under the land to which drillers have to have access to .it has an address ,a location and drillers have to have access. There are gas and oil futures. Chesapeak already have enough information to drill from roadside testing,there is no real need to pay for individual landowners to be tested except for a loan on individual properties as collaterall. I be a potato that information in regards to this being done will surface in the near future .the untapped oil and gas in the ground are futures


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