Does anyone have an update on this well? The last I heard, both laterals were put into production in March and we should have gotten our first royalty check this month. Does anyone have any info on this well and what is going on?

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Very well said jonathan ! We need to look at the future not right now.

"My philospy is if ther wasn't money to be made why spend all this money on pipeline in southern col. co.?"

Your philosophy isn't rooted in a knowledge of the industry, but rather what most of us would call "common sense".  Look at a history of how the industry operates and more specifically how shale plays work and you'll start to see that common sense isn't usually the deciding factor in any of their decisions.

 Read the whole statement and use "common sense"!                                                                                                

That's right beetle keep ypu rationale. Dont fall for the negativity of the "all flash and no cash" or no land.
There are still a lot of holes left to drill once they recover a little of their initial investment... With less overhead associated (pad development & pipeline already in place) it is likely they will at some point bring rig(s) back to the area -and they will also try to streamline operations on the second go-around by drilling all the remaining bores on a single pad before pulling up stakes & moving operations to the next pad. I understand the costs to move/set up a rig alone are pretty substantial. During the process of locking up lease obligations, efficient drilling wasn't necessarily an option. I think someone on this site estimated 15-30 years before drilling stops & all permitted areas fully developed which sounds very reasonable.

You have oil! That's great news -- it significantly boosts royalty amounts. You should be happy. Others don't appear to be lucky with oil. The reported production figures only give a small window into the potential of the wells. We just don't know enough to judge whether they are a disappointment. I would try -- it's really hard -- to be patient.

I also wouldn't worry too much about the royalty checks. CHK hasn't issued checks yet for other wells in the area that went online at the same time. However, I would expect payments to go out by the end of next month. Six months is not unusual, from what I understand.

Where is the Dye Well?

Center township columbiana county

Ron,  I Love the way people down grade Columbiana County!!!  All they read is that the Gas and Oil numbers are down. There not seeing the Wet Gas numbers. I know Farmers in Hanover Twp. and Center Twp. that have real big Checks to Cash !

You know farmers in center township columbiana county that have real big checks to cash? From which well if you dont mind me asking?

Yes, I'd like to know as well. I personally know of royalty payments on the Millport line in Center Township that equal about $200 per acre per month. But that is just one mineral owner on one production unit. Not too bad in my opinion but hard to know if that's high or low compared to others. The most recent ODNR production figures appear to put it somewhere in the middle.
The Millport pipeline in center twp columbiana had been online since March and no one from those four wells had been paid yet that i know about. Late August we were told so your info is interesting but I have my doubts about validity. Mrugala is on teagarden pipeline which had not been in production long either. Crosser, Dye, Tritten and Andrulis are the only wells in center on millport pipeline. Just curious which well in center twp columbiana has paid royslties. Lots of rumors short on facts. Center twp Caroll county i would buy that but nit Columbiana.


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