ALL LAND IS HIGHLY VALUABLE. We often look at Market Value. Market Value is what one willing party is willing to pay a willing seller. If it is NEEDED, then the market value will be what it is worth to them to pay. FOOD FOR THOUGHT: Ohioans do not need to be raped and pimped by their Representatives, Senate, & the multi-billionaire Oil and Gas companies who are spear-heading this process. My brother had an acre at the time was worth $3,000 / acre. Sewer project went through. Instead of going along the outside of his 1 acre property they went through it giving him $500. The property today is worth about $15K but unsaleable because the sewer line goes right through it. It is undeveloped to this day because now a home can not be build unless the line is moved, which would cost thousands.  Your land in SE Ohio is worth $40K per acre (without gas). It is worth this in the city. Some hilly terrain may be worth $25K per acre. SOMEDAY, it will get developed and will be worth this and POSSIBLY MORE because ACREAGE will not EXIST, eaten up by cities. MAKING IT EVEN MORE VALUABLE. Commercial Acreage in Northern Ohio goes for $100K per acre. DO not sell yourselves short because you need CASH. They are taking advantage. Everyone should offer their property for sale at least $35,000 per acre.... make the billionaires pay for what you wont be able to sell or use later because of what they are doing!!! PS. Our property is currently for sale for $70,000 per acre. They will need the land for development... storefronts, industrial plants, housing developments... don't give it to them for FREE!! The least I would accept for a 1500' ROW is $100K.

RE: Court: You can REPRESENT yourself in court. These "criminals" should not be the runs running the show. It costs them about $5,000 - $7,000 just to do one case. Make sure you want well above this... like I said, if all of us give in for pennies, you will get pennies. They may try to make an excuse that then you wont get royalties... well, they won't get any $$ either and they have a lot more invested. DO NOT ACCEPT $5,000 per acre. A ROW ruins the future development use of your property. ONLY ACCEPT $25,000 per acre!! (AT THE VERY LEAST)

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ONLY ACCEPT $25,000 per acre!! (AT THE VERY LEAST)

So in other words take significantly less money for a ROW.  


100' ROW width x 5,000' ROW length=500,000 sq ft

That equals 11.47 acres

At $25,000/ac you get $286,750


5,000' ROW length x $125/ft= $625,000

Your way of calculating things will only cost this person in the hypothetical $338,250.

I agree, you should definitely represent yourself on this matter.  Pipeline companies love people who have your outlook.

How is this taking less money when people are saying that they are being offered $5,000 for an acre of ROW? Yes, they should pay $250,000 + for a 11.47 ROW or more. That acreage in the near future could be worth $70K-$100K per acre. With pipelines running across it, it ruins its future development usage. I also am well versed in Ohio Revised Code and the law, so yes, I could represent myself. I could also bury them with so much paperwork (and make it all pertinent, not just BS) that their attorneys, who get paid around $1,000 per hour, will have about $50K in just the court case alone. I would enumerate as many possible things as I can because the attorney has to provide the court with an ANSWER to each one of these things and it has to be sufficient to prove their case. By the time they are done, they would be better off paying me $25,000 per acre than tangling with me in court. ALSO, you don't even have to go to court. They have BILLIONS invested and a timeline. Mineral Rights owners technically have no investment, just regular expenses. If they can hold off in any way possible, they should be able to OUT WAIT them.  Dexter, you are obviously on the side of those who figuratively rape, pimp, and steal from unsuspecting persons.


OK, I see what you were saying. Where are they paying $125/ft?  Because people are on other threads saying that they are being offered only $5 per foot?

If that is the case, obviously take the larger amount. I read what you wrote too quickly.  Who is getting $125 per ROW Foot? ANYONE? Because I was referring to those who were only a couple thousand for ROW.

"Where are they paying $125/ft?  Because people are on other threads saying that they are being offered only $5 per foot?"

What one is offered and what one is paid are very different things.  Most people sign low offers.  That's a reality.  But to those who do their homework--and if you're on this site that means you're one of those people--the numbers are much more favorable.  I was using a ballpark number that has been paid for an number of rights of way throughout the basin.  

Your first post was quite rude.  I'll give you the benefit of the doubt since it seems like you genuinely care about the landowner, but in the future perhaps try not the be some quick to pull out the hyperbole.  Just a piece of friendly advice.  

I have dealt with this before, they go around you. 90% of the time.

Unless it's a FERC line.

Yes, but they wouldnt go around you if others would ban together and not accept lowball offers. Plus you are better off having them going around you than to ruin your future property rights.

I wouldn't want my land to be valued at $25,000 an acre. I have no intentions of selling the family farm and wouldn't want to be taxed on land with that value.

Tax values and market values are two totally different things (even though people in the market to buy will look at tax value to try to get property cheaper. Raw land is not taxed the same anyway, neither are farms. If something ever happens to you, never say never. Even though you may never want to sell in your heart, your circumstances, God forbid, could. Dont undervalue your own property so these industries can take advantage.

And tax value is based on market value. Tax value is also current value not future value.So.... if you sell your land for $25,000 per acre, you wouldn't be the one paying the higher taxes anyway. If you sell a ROW for $25,000 based on future value, you wouldn't be taxed at that rate either. Either way, you win.


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