Information about drilling activity, pipelines, etc. in Millwood Township.

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The map shows a unit acreage of 296, that isn't all that is being drilled from that pad is it ? Are there more maps available which show everything else they have unitized ?

Here is the Plat map for McClain 3H, 5H and 7H

Thank you Phillip, but all I could see was the 7H, which I think is the one they drilled last year in December.

The Plat map shows 3H and 5H as proposed.

David there is going to be more than one unit. The 296 acre unit is just for the one I am in

I also wonder about the Quaker City lots being placed into a unit, many folks ask me about it but I don't know anything. It seems the ODNR website is pretty behind in its updating although I may not know very well how to use it.

Odnr maps should be up this week mr Lilly. Them you will know if their going under you but I'd bet a pound of morels they are

Thanks for the help guys, appreciate it very much. Now, about the deer huntin'..........

The Royalty list is for laterals 3H, 5H and 7H.  We still don't have complete information on laterals 1H and 2H.

I did not see anything concerning a lateral running to the Southeast. I would hope that they are coming my way with one lateral as I have been told. Evan says we are and he is a really well informed guy but I'd like to see some hard evidence.

Oh well, either way patience is a virtue and I cannot believe that we are not getting drilled sooner rather than later.

With the horrendous disruption to our lives here at home it would sure be nice to know the royalties are on the horizon.

It aint been easy and it is only going to be worse I fear, some of these guys are terrible with the trespassing, trash, speed and dangerous driving.

I agree about the speeding!!! They fly pass the house, especially at 5pm. Someone is going to be seriously hurt.


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