David Allen Lilly
  • Landowner

David Allen Lilly's Friends

  • Henk Vanden Hengel
  • K2
  • Kerri
  • Dalmorloson
  • Dott
  • KT
  • alan coogan
  • Tony Yurina
  • Becky
  • Jeffrey Stoll
  • WranglerRouser
  • Jan
  • David Cain
  • scott peterson

David Allen Lilly's Groups

David Allen Lilly's Discussions

The reality of $100 per barrel WTI returning

Started this discussion. Last reply by David Allen Lilly Oct 4, 2018. 2 Replies

Some may recall back in the early months of this year or late the previous I wrote a thread discussing the likely increase of WTI to $75 a barrel or above by the latter part of this year. This…Continue

Stacked pay (play?)

Started this discussion. Last reply by Jeffrey Beunier Jul 12, 2018. 22 Replies

"“On the completion side, we are in the process of completing our “stacked pay” Stalder pad, which incorporates two Marcellus Condensate wells and three Utica Dry Gas wells. We expect that this pad…Continue

What President Trump's tax reform might mean to royalty owners

Started this discussion. Last reply by David Allen Lilly Dec 27, 2017. 43 Replies

Good morning,It is December 18th and the news is rife with reports that the republicans may finally, just for once, have their act together enough to do something worthwhile for the American…Continue

First royalty check has me baffled

Started this discussion. Last reply by Renee E. Dorsey Oct 8, 2016. 29 Replies

So most of you know me from the site and some know me in person. I have been an active participant in these forums on this site for more than 2 years, probably more.I have read everything I can read…Continue

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David Allen Lilly's Page

Profile Information

Introduce Yourself
Millwood township in Guernsey county Ohio landowner, 30 acres.
Joined the NY group and signed with Carrizo, things didn't go well. Turner Oil and Gas showed our property to Antero Resources and said they wanted it, so we signed with them and they paid in time, just as they said they would. I hope that I can help someone avoid pitfalls and get everything they have coming to them.
What is your role?
Which state(s) are you following?
What shale plays do you follow?

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At 2:28pm on December 7, 2017, Dott said…

Thanks for the information David. I am with Chevron and my O & G rights are in Mill township, Tuscarawas County Ohio. I am in the Wet Gas area and the company is mostly after the condensates I am told although there will be some Oil and Gas coming out with it I imagine. Are you being paid for condensates?

And the second question I have is does your "Market Enhancement" Clause read exactly like mine?

Here is my Clause:

Such royalty to be calculated without deduction for the production, gathering, storing, separating, treatment, dehydrating, compressing, processing, transportation and marketing of Oil and gas and other products, provided however any such costs which result in enhancing the value of marketable oil and gas or other products to receive a better price that is less than or more than the price received by Lessee.

I ask this because you said the O& G company is not deducting anything. Chevron wants to ratify the lease to increase the unit size from 640 acres to 1450 acres (Longer laterals to be drilled in 2018). So I said that I would agree to the increase if they drop the Market Enhancement Clause.  They said they would but only if I agreed to having all "Transportation" charges deducted.  So I don't know if I should just keep the Market Enhancement clause and take my chances or go with the Transportation Charges. 

Some Lawyers have told me that Market Enhancement Clauses allow them a backdoor to charge any type of deduction including transportation and thought perhaps just changing it to " Transportation" only would be better.  But you said with your Market Enhancement clause they don't deduct anything but I think your wording is a bit different than mine.  I would appreciate any insight.

At 10:34am on December 7, 2017, Dott said…


Maybe I found a way.  Is this email getting to you after all?

At 11:25am on November 14, 2017, David Cain said…


I have accepted your friend invite and would appreciate any info you are willing to share.  I have property off of Barker Rd in the southeast corner of Millwood township.


Dave Cain

At 12:50am on April 28, 2016, jean pierre said…

Good day,
How is everything with you, I picked interest on you after going through your short profile and deemed it necessary to write you immediately. I have something very important to disclose to you, but I found it difficult to express myself here, since it's a public site. Could you please get back to me on my private email(jean.pierre45454@gmail.com) for the full details?
Have a nice day and God bless you,

At 2:32pm on March 24, 2016, Becky said…

David, I have property in Noble County.  330-241-3065 is my cell.  Local Meeting with Hart Petrol Global to discuss the audit info you mentioned in your last post.  This is on April 2nd. Three meeting times have been set up.  This is free.  Call me if you would like to attend.  I am a NARO member. 



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