Last week's EIA report states there are many new fertilizer and methanol plants coming online that will use huge amounts of nat gas.  Article states that industrial use of nat gas in 2016 will have risen by 33% since 2009, a very rapid jump.  This doesn't include the large increase in electrical generation.

New chemical plants expected to boost industrial natural gas use by 4% in 2015

Several new energy-intensive industrial facilities started service in 2015, and there are additional projects scheduled to come online in the next year. Industrial natural gas consumption has grown steadily since 2009, as relatively low natural gas prices have been attractive to customers who use natural gas as a feedstock for chemical production.

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Just the start.  Heck, there is not even a pipeline from NE PA into any of New England yet.  How unfortunate is that?

I posted a few weeks back that there is $35,000,000,000 in pipeline projects in the next 3.5 years, 2015-2018.  So, there will be a greatly enhanced ability to move the gas to end markets, along with the up tick in demand.  And then there is LNG................hold tight, going to be a very interesting ride!

Tim;  I remember that post, a lot of good info.  A couple years from now will see a huge jump in demand for nat gas.  Most tower buildings use a very heavy tar like oil for heat and they are being converted to nat gas. If we get road tractors to convert, the air in our cities will be the cleanest they have been for a hundred years.


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