where will swn drill first in Brooke county permits have been issued??

southwestern energy is now drilling in brooke county on the mildred mani pad api 009-00159 they have permits for four new well there on bradys ridge road off washington pike   WGA

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Permits have been issued?


I thought southwestern was already drilling in Brooke county was told they had 2 rigs running in the area

Mike do you know the well pad name or api numbers that the two rigs are drilling on in Brooke county  thanks  WGA

SWN does not have any active rigs in Brooke County right now. 

According to the WVDEP web site it appears that SWN is drilling around Wellsburg

SWN has 2 rigs running in WV right now. 

1. BONNETTE MSH 206H, Marshall County, API: 47-051-01831

2. GLENN DIDRIKSEN OHI 210H, Ohio County, API: 47-069-00190

sorry thought they were in brooke and ohio counties .....guess it is ohio and mrshall counties............glad to hear they are doing some drilling ............some producers have stopped drilling or scaled way back

Brooke has some top producing wells you would think they would drill there first but i guess that is just wishful thinking on my part.i you hear anything give me a yell BILL

southwestern bought all that leased acerage in wv and the clock is ticking on them

was told by swn they are renewing leases so give us another round of bonus moneies and drill it when ever you like I say  my lease expires in December they told me they should be in contact with me in late October to renew my lease  400,000 acres is a lot to drill so I doubt they will have very many wells drilled before a lot of leases are due to renew 

yep im with you Mike mine runs out may 2017 i dont think they have enough rigs to drill all 400,000 acres before the leases run out i think they paid 14,000$ an acre for these leases BILL

they didn't spend 6 billion dollars to just let leases expire and not renew them ....when they did the deal they figured in all the lease renewals they would have to do


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