Just saw a permit on the WVDEP site that was approved for EQT to drill into Black River formation, the first I've seen in this area. TVD is 13,230 with a Horizontal Leg of 5,037. This is on the BIG190 well pad where they have permits for many other wells. Anyone hear of other drilling into these deeper formations in North Central WV? I know Utica Exploration has ramped up in Greene Co, PA and EQT has mentioned in their Investor Presentations that they are doing a Utica well in Wetzel Co but this is the first I've seen any Black River mention. I also see they have a permit outstanding to drill into Trenton as well.

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Figure 13. Structure contour map of the top of the basement in the ...http://www.wvgs.wvnet.edu/www/tbr/41856R02_images/fig13.jpg"/>

Hey Mike, pic didn't come thru for me but I'm viewing via my ipad. I've looked at the WV Geological Survey Semi-Annual report on Trenton Black River Project and one question I have that maybe you could help with. I thought TBR was part of the Rogersville Shale but on the EQT Permit, it is referred to as Point Pleasant. Is that all the same thing or is a peference in termonology that my non-Geologist mind can't comprehend?
I'll try to answer. I exchanged a few e-mails with a PA state Geologist on this.
Point Pleasant is a Utica formation. Trenton and Black river are seperate formations both are carbonate and stacked so referred to as Trenton/Black river. Below that is Loysberg also a Carbonate than Beekmantown.
Those are all Ordovician. The Rogersville is mostly a Cambrian formation (below Ordovician). That gets real confusing because in some areas it listed as lower Ordovician.The Rogersville is mostly in the Rome Trough (lower basement) In my case I'm a few miles NW of Rome Trough so the basement is above where the Rogersville would be.
Hope that helps.
Thanks for the info Tim, much appreciated.

Trenton Black River Project
Appalachian Basin


Technical Papers/Documentation:

Welcome to the Trenton-Black River Project Website


The objectives of this research project were to:

  • develop an integrated, multi-faceted, resource assessment model of Trenton-Black River reservoirs in New York, Ohio and West Virginia;
  • define possible fairways in which to conduct detailed studies, leading to further development of the gas resources in Ordovician fractured carbonates across the basin;
  • and develop an integrated structural-diagenetic-stratigraphic model for the origin of Trenton-Black River hydrothermal dolomite reservoirs, leading to better seismic models.

These objectives were achieved by the creation of an industry-government, Trenton-Black River Research Consortium to partially fund and conduct geologic, geophysical, petrographic and geochemical studies in eight task areas and five Appalachian basin states.

The Final Report (see below) and this website, with its interactive mapping application, represent the fruition of those efforts.


In the early 2000's, there was renewed interest to explore the Ordovician Trenton and Black River carbonates. This endeavor followed previous exploration success in several Appalachian locations. Speculation among geologists in the basin was that many additional producing reservoirs of this type may be found along dolomitized fracture and fault zones throughout the basin. A basinwide collaborative effort to understand the play and delineate potential trends was seen as an opportunity to accelerate and optimize the development of this natural gas resource. The effort included structural and seismic investigations; stratigraphic analysis; petrographic analysis; isotope geochemistry and fluid inclusion analysis; petroleum geochemistry; analysis of production data and horizontal drilling results, and development of a web-based GIS database. This effort will be implemented through the creation of a new consortium consisting of companies active in the play that will commit cost share funds and data to the project, the New York State Museum and four state geological surveys (Kentucky, Ohio, Pennsylvania, West Virginia) who are members of the Appalachian Oil and Natural Gas Research Consortium (AONGRC).


Original Project Synopsis, Creating a Geologic Play Book for Trenton-Black River Appalachian Basin Exploration on DOE-NETL:
DOE Award Number: DE-FC26-03NT41856
Project Start Date: September 23, 2003
Project End Date: March 30, 2006
Website: http://dolomite.wvgs.wvnet.edu/trenton (this site)
IMS: http://ims.wvgs.wvnet.edu/tbr_ver3 (interactive map)

US DOE: Project Fact Sheet
OSTI: http://www.osti.gov/bridge/

Oh good, more gas.  Just what the doctor ordered.


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