Does any one know who the company is that is leasing land in Potter County? Laucks Mills near Utica to be more precise. We bought from a couple who tell us that the land lease goes with the land but they cannot find the lease they signed and don't remember the company they signed with. We would like to be sure the company they signed with knows the land was sold to us. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Steer us in the right direction. Thanks. Signed JB

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Down at bottom of page is link to landex. You can do your own title search at home. Easy to find any filings on your property or anyones'. Nice thing is No fees until you "buy" actual filing.
Don't pay too close of attention to Township. Sometimes leases are in large filing's with many other Landowners covering different Townships.
I'm willing to bet it wasn't a lease but a sale of rights. What does your deed say?Usually a deed will list leasing company. "Subject to an oil and gas lease..." If your deed says "accepts and reserves..." That means you (or previous owners) did not aquire those rights.

I am not sure what the "deed" says because we never received a copy of it. Just know that the land was leased for rights to drill under property. Thanks you for the direction.

Looks like Travis Peak Resources


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