Evidence that we’re headed toward a national water crisis and that the government has failed to take water testing seriously:
Flint, Michigan - lead contamination
Toledo, Ohio - algal bloom
Elk River, West Virginia - chemical spill
Animas River, Colorado - acid mine drainage
Dimock, Pennsylvania - fracking
Pavillion, Wyoming - fracking
Parker County, Texas - fracking
You can be so aggrivating.
Of course Ms. Carson alone did not get DDT banned. But it was her work that was one of the main forces that created the modern extremist environmental movement.
Do the math:
Carson advocacy + extremist environmental movement = DDT banned.
DDT banned = Death of millions in Africa and Asia.
A 5th grader understands the concept. Obviously you are not smarter than a 5th grader.
The deaths in those areas continue so her legacy of death lives on even today.
Yes "some" (not all) mosquitoes became resistant, but you conveniently leave out the rest of the story; that those DDT resistant mosquitoes were still repelled by the smell of DDT and light dusting in the homes kept the mosquitoes away. No mosquitoes, no bites, no disease, no death.
I love you leftists because you are so predictable. For example your tactic of cherry picking info out of stories and only presenting half the story.
And again with the funding issue. Please prove that the content of the article was influenced by the funding and that the information (content) is inaccurate.
Typical leftist environmentalist extremist drivel.
Hey Chicken Little,
Character Assassination, a typical leftist extremist environmentalist tactic
You continually impugn the intentions of anyone who writes articles or scientist that publishes studies favorable to the oil and gas industry. Your contention is that since these folks have accepted funding from oil and gas industry sources that they are bought and sold by the industry and they will only write favorable articles and reports.
Not once have I seen you write a post that deals with the content of these articles or studies. Charcter Assassination pure and simple. Disgusting!
Yet you promote environmental extremist activists such as Josh Faux and Mark Ruffalo. Both of whom are funded by anti fossil fuel organizations such as the Park Foundation and others. Of course the intentions of these radicals are pure as the driven snow. Nonsense? The films that Faux produces are visual propaganda not informational documentaries as he claims. And the writings of Mr. Ruffalo have absolutely no basis in fact. Those articles are stocked with misinformation, rumor, hyperbole and worse.
And, when you post this nonsense I take the time to go through the content and refute the "information" contained in them. You on the other hand never dwell away from character assassination.
I believe the word hypocrite is applicable here.
The Sky Is Falling! The Sky Is Falling!
These threads that Paul Heckbert starts make me want to bang my head against a wall. First he cherry picks facts to start an argument, then everyone else on the site gets really angry and cherry picks facts to prove him wrong... It's as if there's no middle ground on anything.
No one who uses this site really buys what he's selling so I don't know why people find it necessary to reply every time.
It's the entertainment portion of the site.
Plus, most of the people who visit the site never post. I write responses to show the truth to these folks.
how many of these would you need to equal one exxon valdez, or one Gulf event?
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