Our resident environmental whacko and and many others keep promoting myths such as this.

The source of their myth are reports from scientists (I use that term loosely) from NASA and NOAA.

The problem is this - both of these organizations are populated with the minions of our Carbon Tax pushing President. It is their mission to promote the LIE of man made global warming. They cherry pick information from data which fits this narrative; even to the point of ignoring data the completely debunks their conclusions.

Why? To frighten the public into supporting extreme environmental legislation and a Carbon Tax. To what end? Redistribution of wealth; our President wishes to tax us, we the people, and give the money to other countries as reparation for our evil ways.

Why is this important to us? Shale development is square in the cross hairs of the extremist environmental policies of this President and his environmental whacko supporters.

You should all become aware of what the "de-growth" movement is. The President is a de-growther. It's a long drawn out discussion and maybe we can get into it another time. But, be aware it isn't good for you and I, and it is a position supported by our resident environment whacko that posts his anti-shale nonsense on this site.

Attached is an article that completely debunks the myth of 2015 being the warmest year on record.


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No question you're right.  The truth tellers at NASA and NOAA were let go quite a while back . . or demoted.  They were a threat to the new carbon tax order.  This is a serious matter but:

Not as serious as what has happened to the US Military under Obama, where wimps and wusses have been advanced to high positions while courageous members of the real military have been quietly retired or their influence vastly diminished.

All taken into consideration, if the right person wins in November it will take him at least three or four years to clean up the mess Obama has created.  If the wrong person wins it'll be liberals from sea to shining sea and you can pretty much stick a fork in this country;  we're done.


I cannot add anything meaningful to your comments.

I agree.

Well said

Carbon Tax means Carbon credits for Forest owners.  I'm tired of all the big city dwellers breathing the fresh air my trees create for free.  I get paid for the energy that comes from under the ground, why shouldn't I be paid for the benefit to society that my forested land provides by sequestering carbon?


Cap and trade exists to become a wall street trade product. Once people actually looked at this Eorozone proposal they realized that it had little to do with the eviornment. Lets face it, the Planet is warming as the Little Ice Age wanes but it does so in fits and starts.


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