
Has anyone paid a visit to the Rice Canonsburg Office?  Rice has had my royalty account messed up since December.  I did not receive a January or February check.  Who knows if I will get a March check. I have called the Community line numerous times and been told I will get a call back (never do) and been given bad information on simple issues from the customer service rep.  I leave messages daily (since no one is answering and it goes straight to voice mail) and have yet to receive a call back.  I am contemplating driving up there from Belmont County so someone has to talk to me. Has anyone done this or have advice on how to get a response?  I had been fairly happy with Rice and the field staff I had met; and I have tried to be patient and professional with the Community Relations line but my patience is wearing thin with the poor communication and length of time this issue has been going on.       

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Honestly, you might be wasting your time because I doubt they will let you into the office. My experience is that individuals let into an O&G companies office are watched over very carefully. I'm not saying to not do it, but don't be disappointed if you're not even let in the door or past the receptionist. 

 Rice and many other producers are  BROKE so they are holding on to every dollar they can so the best you can hope for is they don't go bankrupt with your unpaid royalties and you get nothing

I emailed them and got a return email 2 days later              communityrelations@riceenergy.com  

Thanks Donna.  I will try that if I have another issue.  

What you are hearing from the customer service department is the death rattle of Rice as a going concern.

I received a call back.  They state that everything is supposedly fixed and a check to bring my account up to date should be received by March 15th.  


This was an ownership switch to an LLC.  The paperwork was sent at the beginning of November. The same paperwork was sent to Gulfport in mid November - and the account change for Gulfport was completed and in effect for December. 

Good morning KAS. Northwest Bank offers a Royalty Manager service that would help in instances like this. Please visit our website oilandgashelp.com.

They are often a little bit slow to respond but I've had reasonably good luck emailing the hotline and then, once I get a personal email, I stick with it for queries. Their documentation depts are DEFINITELY behind and anything but timely; been waiting for our division order paperwork since Oct 2015 and last email sent the end of January assured me that the Division Order dept was currently finishing them up and we would receive them shortly. We haven't as of yet and also according to the same info email, gas from our unit went to market Dec 15, 2015 and royalties to begin being paid in March 2016. Don't get me wrong - we have a HUGE unit and I realize that division order paperwork is massive HOWEVER I am not comfortable with royalties being calculated and paid without completed division orders. I bug the cr** out of them, I suppose, with monthly emails which I repeat if I do not receive a reply within the week but I feel that it is of vital importance and their obligation to keep me informed as it is our land and our gas that they are marketing and selling. They were also late in sending out 1099 forms so although I DON'T feel that it is the death rattle of Rice (far from it) but actually being over-worked and under-staffed. They are hiring. None the less, the key is persistence.

walk out there and shut off their main gas valve !! somebody will show up !!! good luck all !!

Please don't be dumb enough to do this.


Thanks Lori.   I also feel that they should have that obligation to us since it is our land and minerals and I also try to be patient as I know there is much going on behind the scenes. Giving out timely and accurate information goes a long way!  I got my 1099 late too and also agree that I do not think it is a 'death rattle'.  Although no company may be ideal - If I had 2 OG companies to choose from in the area to be working with it would be Rice and Gulfport. 


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