Hey Clinton Supporters! HilLIARy admits she is against shale development! Still want to vote for her?

A young lady asked HilLARy if she supported "frackiing". To paraphrase her answer, she said no.

So a HilLARy Presidency means the end of the economic benefits resulting from shale development; the end to the jobs created by shale development; the end of increased tax revenue to struggling local governments and school districts.

If you vote for HilLIARy you are voting against the well being of your families, your children, your friends. You are voting against the well being of your communities.

How will you live with yourselves? Traitors!

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If it barks like a dog, and looks like a dog, and is no smarter than a dog . . well . . you know.  :-)

Who would you vote for then?
Please keep your insulting comments to yourself. We have all had enough of the Tea Party mentality. If you have nothing of intelligence to offer, it is best to keep silent.
Barry D - Keep your insults, name calling and other ugly views to yourself. We already have enough of that. If you have nothing of intelligence to offer please keep silent. Freedom of Speech is not a license to belittle and insult people. We have all had enough of that mentality. It would be better to contribute something constructive than to add insulting comments that accomplish nothing. I'm so sick of the people who have nothing to offer this country....

"I'm so sick of the people who have nothing to offer this country..."

I would have phrased it so - ... people who have nothing positive to offer this country... such as HilLIARY.

Finaly, one of the reasons I enjoy this site is that it is self editing. No one forces me to read any of the posts/replies. I also don't have to respond to any should I choose not to.

I suggest you try it.

P.S. I see that you only believe the right of freedom of speech is reserved for only those who hold the same views as yourself.

"P.S. I see that you only believe the right of freedom of speech is reserved for only those who hold the same views as yourself."

No bigee.  All liberals believe that!  It's part of what makes them such unmitigated jackasses.

Understand this clearly:

Speech freedom is secured only by the Bill of Rights.  The Bill of Rights is part of the Constitution of the United States of America.  Liberals are "cafeteria constitutionalists", meaning they view it as their right to adhere only to those portions of our Constitution with which they agree.  The rest?  The remainder of our Constitution is a PITA for them, with which they will do away at their earliest opportunity!  For liberals it's a "living document" don'tcha know.  This means it can be and mean anything that suits their despicable views, the greatness and rich traditions of America be damned.


Notice that Susan refuses to post a response about the subject of this post.

She only attacks those who have posted their opinions and have engaged in a substantive discussion about the subject.

Wow! A little sensitive aren't we......

YES, I'm with Frank..... I'm sensitive to those who would threaten my rights under the constitution such as the liberal left wing idiots who want a socialist society here in my country. This includes Hilliary and Sanders and our current POTUS who sickens me. They force their agenda and ideas on the majority and call it the "will of the people" but only the people who agree with them and they are now the minority and for the sake of political correctness we are made to eat their dung. "The times they are a changing" as the famous poet Bob Dylan sang. Go Donald!!!!!!

YES, I'm with Frank..... I'm sensitive to those who would threaten my rights under the constitution such as the liberal left wing idiots who want a socialist society here in my country. This includes Hilliary and Sanders and our current POTUS who sickens me. They force their agenda and ideas on the majority and call it the "will of the people" but only the people who agree with them and they are now the minority and for the sake of political correctness we are made to eat their dung. "The times they are a changing" as the famous poet Bob Dylan sang. Go Donald!!!!!!


I find it interesting that you have not made a comment on the actual subject of this post.

All you have done is attack the others who have replied.

Attacking without dealing with the actual subject matter is a typical leftist liberal tactic.

That, plus the fact that you defended Barak Obama on this site in 2012 draws me to the conclusion that you are indeed a leftist liberal. Which also leads me to believe that you support HilLIARy and her position against shale development. That position is anti-American.

Barry D, my post did not reference the posted subject because that wasn't what I was addressing. I simply asked you to stop insulting people who disagree with you. However I saw that was a waste of time. I thought that in this instance I should take the advise of Mark Twain who said "You should never argue with stupid people. They will drag you down to their level and then beat you with experience." Amen Mr. Twain, Amen


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