Elected Officials, Union and Business Leaders Tout Fracking at Shale Insight Conference

Every important stake holder agrees that hydraulic fracturing is good for America.

Only the anti American environmental left disagrees. They disagree because they hate America.

Helloooooo... Paul!


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You folks that are either benefitting directly and presently from this Shale Revolution, or expect to at some future point in time, should NOT grow complacent and expect this will all continue to unfold.

There are numerous, fiercely motivated entities who will continue to hamper this hydrocarbon development. 

Players such as the House of Saud find their very existence imperiled with plummeting revenues caused by shale output.

Environmentalists were THIS close to kissing fossil fuel use forever goodbye due to scarcity. They have seen their worldview abruptly overturned.

Solar power, wind power interests will continue to demonize alternate energy sources emanating from carbon.

There is indisputably a Saudi-size gas resource beneath the ground in Ohio, Pennsylvania, West Virginia, and, most pribably, adjacent states of New York and Kentucky.

Don't allow your opponents to stifle your collective futures.


All the more reason to vote Trump.

None of the negativity you mention happens if he is elected.

All of it will come true if Hillary is elected.


No doubt that the Saudis and the environmental left will continue their fight against shale development.

The Saudis - this situation will only change when the world economy begins to pickup.

                   Of course if Hillary wins she will try to pay back the bribes from the Saudis

                   by having legislation passed to stifle shale development.

The environmental left - being anti shale development is akin to a religion to these people.

                   They will never stop. All we can do is to skewer their misinformation and to

                   keep spreading the truth.


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