Some true,some hearsay...Aubrey is looking for a site to build his regional office with a Cambridge address. Aep Utica is looking to drill a well behind the General store in Old Washington,early feb. .AEP is drilling now in Harrison co. Rice will be moving their big rig from Belmont co. to daddy Shugerts well in Old Washington,soon. Bluegrass Pipeline coming thru the county this year. Compressor station for Antero's well below Senecaville is ready to fire up any day. Gulfport is sending rigs to Guernsey soon. EQT is wanting to drill 21 new wells in Guernsey this year. Carrizo has 2 pads built,ready to roll. Cheasapeake,all of a sudden,likes Guernsey,better than Carroll. The company wanting to build an apartment complex at the I-77/Rt.22 site has agreed to help finance a sewer plant needed at that site& Coventry Estates. Motel to be built across from Pilot on the hill almost ready to roll. Some landowners near Quaker City are getting offers of $13,400. per acre to sell their Mineral rights. Any other tidbits are welcome. You hear things from credible sources that may not even be true,but you be the judge.
Looks like the wells by rt. 265 in Lore City are being fracked or getting ready to frack,.Salem Rd.
I've had 3-4 different companies contact me lately wanting to buy my mineral rights. I have a lease with Eclipse for my place on Brushy Fork Road (between 22 and 513 - SSE of Antrim). My first thought is if there is a desire to buy my mineral rights then there must be drilling activity planned that would include my property. I'm curious if my thoughts are rights or are these companies willing to risk buying rights with the "hope" someone will drill and produce.
Your 1st thoughts are probably right. your in a hot spot. sit tight. If you have to sell,or wish too, better get at least $15,000 per acre.
Your property is in the direct line for wells that could be drilled nnw from the Raber wells. Ascent Resources. They have 6 wells producing from that pad going sse that are excellent producers, so drilling more from there in the opposite direction may be their plan.
Thanks Bo. Since I leased with Eclipse how does an Accent well work with my royalties?
They would work with Eclipse and pay you according to your lease language.
I have 42 acres in Madison Twp. My property sits about 2 miles south off Rt. 22 between Winterset and Antrim. I first signed with Gulfport in 2011 for 5-year lease. They did not renew in 2016. I then signed with Eclipse in 2016 giving them annual option to renew in June for 8 years. This is my 4th year and they are not renewing my lease. My in-laws that have 19 acres about 1/2 mile from me, closer to Rt. 22...and signed the same time we did.... were renewed by Eclipse. I understand Eclipse has merged and is becoming another company. I speculate my non-renewal has something to do with the merger and not that I am done in the mineral rights leasing game...but I don't know. Any thoughts out there on this?
ascent is close to you drilling away. I'd ask Eclipse for a release ,then talk to Ascent about a new lease. That may cause them to extend yours now to keep Ascent from getting you.
Thank you Bo for the quick response. I was hoping to get feedback from you. I called Eclipse today and asked for a release. The lady looked me up and said they are non-renewing due to the location and she would file the release but couldn't do so until June 1 when it officially expires. I thanked her and that was it. I will wait for the release and go from there. Sounds like I might still have a hand to play in this game then.
I would double check the wording of your lease: it may have it stated that in order to be released, you must submit your request in writing.
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