JHALK LOTS GOING ON OFF EARNEST RD IN SPRINGHILL What I hear is Franklin Denny and the Soles wells are being fracked Maybe the McNichols well may be in it too You hear anything ??
High Jhawk just to let you know I talked to eqt and they said Franklin denny well is going to our prop. on coon run road I think its F-D # 7 IS THIS THE ONE THAT YOU ARE IN? I am in the dragon Chan 6 and 8 well What direction do they drill in pa I think its n-e do you know for sure ? FD well pad is south of coon run rd. not sure to believe anything now day's Hope you are well in this flu crap. I was working but laid off this week along with most of the others I worked with. They kept 8 people to keep working. Bummer is I lost my health care trying to stay safe now for sure with no H C thanks
Hi Jeff. I’ve heard nothing lately. I’m not sure what’s going on with the Denny pad in our neck of the woods. It’s been sitting there for over a year now, I think.
Hello Jhawk Rick Haskins here nothing going on. My lease is expired and Rice never contacted us they just let it go. Have another company Kinetic Resources we are talking to. Have you gotten
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JHALK LOTS GOING ON OFF EARNEST RD IN SPRINGHILL What I hear is Franklin Denny and the Soles wells are being fracked Maybe the McNichols well may be in it too You hear anything ??
High Jhawk just to let you know I talked to eqt and they said Franklin denny well is going to our prop. on coon run road I think its F-D # 7 IS THIS THE ONE THAT YOU ARE IN? I am in the dragon Chan 6 and 8 well What direction do they drill in pa I think its n-e do you know for sure ? FD well pad is south of coon run rd. not sure to believe anything now day's Hope you are well in this flu crap. I was working but laid off this week along with most of the others I worked with. They kept 8 people to keep working. Bummer is I lost my health care trying to stay safe now for sure with no H C thanks
Hi J hawk what's going on in our neck of the woods. I hear 41 well permits in springhill twp. what's going on
Hi JHawk....heard anything new?
I've heard nothing from no-one. :-(((
Hello Jhawk Rick Haskins here nothing going on. My lease is expired and Rice never contacted us they just let it go. Have another company Kinetic Resources we are talking to. Have you gotten
paid for the Utica yet hope so. Have a great day.
Hi J Hawk we are on ned ridge rd what direction is your land from our unit. I live in Ohio. that is my Dads home stead Are you leased yet.
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