Martha Chesp. sold all its holding in springhill twp to Rice I like Chesp better Rice not paying us for oil or NGL as Chesp. did. Have not heard much as gas prices are low now, will keep you informed as I find out
Hello Martha!
I wondered if I might have the good fortune of running into a relative on this site.
Well, I have received a contingent fee agreement from David Hook. I've placed a call to his office a few weeks ago and he has apparently been out for these last few weeks. I'm hoping to touch base with him soon.
Like you, I believe the amount he is seeking is quite high and the more I learn and find, I'm becoming even more resolute in this belief.
IF you've already been through this process or have any information on this, I'd be extremely grateful for anything that you can share.
I have absolutely no information on what is happening.
Thanks in advance, I'm glad I joined this site.
Take care, Shelli
Tom again, Attorneys are best paid by the hour, but hat moey is out of pocket up front. Considering the steep decline in the production curve would the atty's cosider a smaller % in the first 2 or 3 years and then increase the % as the well declines. Just a thought, once again , good luck with this adventure.
I represent land owners in Clearfield, Jefferson, Clarion and Centre counties, I do not have experiance in Greene Co. I do know Atty Dave Hook and have turned to him regarding advice in the past regarding a mining and methane matter in Clearfield. He was very helpful and his advice resulted in my client's settlement with the PA DEP going from a $1000 to $25,000 dollars.
I have not worked with Atty Hook inn regards to Marcellus Gas but in the experiances I have had with him, his advice was right on the money. Good Luck
Martha Ann Murray's Comments
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Martha are you on this site anymore I haven't heard from you in a while
hi martha I see you got leased to dragon chan 6 h off coon run
i dont know how this friend thing works. lol but i do know where that 92.45 acre parcel is. The parcel right beside it ending in 143 is 67 acres.
Martha, check your email. I us ed your parcel number and found the address. Good luck. Debbie
Rice just called us want to lease the utica on coon run. call them have your tax ID NO. so they know where its at.
Martha Chesp. sold all its holding in springhill twp to Rice I like Chesp better Rice not paying us for oil or NGL as Chesp. did. Have not heard much as gas prices are low now, will keep you informed as I find out
I wondered if I might have the good fortune of running into a relative on this site.
Well, I have received a contingent fee agreement from David Hook. I've placed a call to his office a few weeks ago and he has apparently been out for these last few weeks. I'm hoping to touch base with him soon.
Like you, I believe the amount he is seeking is quite high and the more I learn and find, I'm becoming even more resolute in this belief.
IF you've already been through this process or have any information on this, I'd be extremely grateful for anything that you can share.
I have absolutely no information on what is happening.
Thanks in advance, I'm glad I joined this site.
Take care, Shelli
Tom again, Attorneys are best paid by the hour, but hat moey is out of pocket up front. Considering the steep decline in the production curve would the atty's cosider a smaller % in the first 2 or 3 years and then increase the % as the well declines. Just a thought, once again , good luck with this adventure.
I represent land owners in Clearfield, Jefferson, Clarion and Centre counties, I do not have experiance in Greene Co. I do know Atty Dave Hook and have turned to him regarding advice in the past regarding a mining and methane matter in Clearfield. He was very helpful and his advice resulted in my client's settlement with the PA DEP going from a $1000 to $25,000 dollars.
I have not worked with Atty Hook inn regards to Marcellus Gas but in the experiances I have had with him, his advice was right on the money. Good Luck
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