How are the surging natural gas prices affecting drilling this year, and what about going into 2022?  Are the gas companies taking advantage of these higher prices?  What`s next?

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I have read some brief news about AI requiring a lot of electricity.  Just like many other changes affecting the natural gas industry understanding how AI will impact it are not clear to me yet.  So as one market fades away new ones emerge.  Is this an example of a new silver lining?

Yes  Farmgas , AI is a silver lining for Gas .. The continuing expansion of E cars will also increase Electric demand , as well as the forced retirement of coal plants .. 

 The Country is also starting to realize how UNRELIABLE wind and solar power are , and the need for BASE LOAD power plants primarily from N gas ... 

 I have a investment in a Windmill outfit and their own data shows that its windmills produce power only 28% of the time . 

I have often wondered why the nearby states surrounding the Haynesville & Permiam Basin oil fields with their abundant associated gas don`t exploit the opportunity to build an electrical generation empire.  Electricity can be transmitted to other states and into the grid. 

Your thoughts are spot on ... The next 'problem' is the transmission lines ... Costly and there is also backlash from certain states and communities on adding new power lines ... Lastly certain states aka NY and California think Windmills are the answer , they dislike gas ..... 

I`m not an engineer, but why is the transmission only made by suspended lines...why not underground transmission lines?  Living in Pennsylvania, I`m in favor of using the PA Turnpike & other major highway systems as "energy corridors".   Run natural gas pipelines or electrical transmission lines along them.  The ROW`s already exist! 

I wish someone would post some useful information........instead of like a bunch of old hens yakking...

Where is your contribution Darrel ? Having a tough day / life ? 

Plenty of good info to be gleamed from here , as a full time energy investor , I use and participate in this site to get an idea what those who have 'boots' on the ground are experiencing ...I root for these guys , they are the salt of the earth ... Lighten up Darrell , Investing is all about trends , read between the lines and it might reward you .... 

You make a valid point Darrell, where have all the GMS contributors gone?  I personally have been contributing to these discussions for over 15 + years.  How long have you been a member and a contributor?  If members like myself or Ralph & others stop contributing points of view then this blog site will no longer exist.  Some members are just landowners with a vision or maybe a fantasy of receiving gas royalties to enrich their families lives.  This blog site was an important source for members like me to keep abreast of where drilling was happening and by which gas company.  It was a way for all of us to become more knowledgeable about the gas industry.  Some years ago the drilling activity changed and active members either became royalty receivers or just lost faith a drilling rig was coming their way.  The reality is that with change both globally & locally there still remains an opportunity for landowners to experience the excitement that comes from receiving gas royalties.  If each one of us contributes tidbits of information or in some cases solid information of gas company activity then we all can learn and continue believing our turn will come soon.  

Good luck to you, Darrell.

Here is a great interview with EQT`s Toby Rice regarding an upcoming emerging market for natural gas.  For us landowners in Appalachia this sounds like positive news for us.  Mr. Rice also talks about possible LNG facilities being located on the east coast. 

We get paid higher prices than NYMEX  in the northeast Seneca just paid $2.35 in Tioga.Bradford was higher.

Congrats Paleface , seems like a fair price considering recent Henry Hub prices . 

Its Toby's job to ooze optimism ... Future LNG plant on East Coast would be a miracle ... Look at the legal mess / costs ETRN went thru to complete the MVP pipeline .. Seems like the 'greens'  sued against every foot that was laid in the ground ... Pipeliners have been whiplashed and are reluctant to build new pipes in the east . Many believe the upcoming merger between EQT and ETRN is a bailout of ETRN due to the huge cost overuns ETRN experienced building MVP ... I agree with Rice that demand will increase , but producers need to show more discipline by keeping growing production in check 


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