I live in Berlin Township, There is a new Utica well going up in Goshen township on Calla Road just off Route 534 and another in Butler Township near North Georgetown. They are getting very close. Does anyone know of others?

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ok if the site progresses ..it would take the 0 acre involved into how large a site...i am trying to understand how an owner can locate where the leased  land is placed...? 

CHK got another permit for the JEMS FARMS site, a 160ac unit lateral from the ODNR yesterday - that pad is under construction and this could be an additional lateral or a revision of the previous, I cannot pull out the other permit to compare them yet. That is the well off Calla rd. Just West of 534

CNX has a permit on Western reserve Rd., between Knauf and 45.  Location is yet unbuilt.

cnx is in discussions to drill 2 sites in mahoning, in addition to the elsworth site. watch for permits in the future.

on west middletown road..between rt 45 and rt  62...when you sign a lease how does the landowner know what section of land the property is in...my lease does not show a lease plot number...any info would be helpful..


We have some action in southwestern Mahoning County.  Chesapeake is trying to have lease holders of the old clinton wells change the lease to include more acreage. They want the landowner to change that portion of the lease and leave the rest alone. This is happening now in the rt534/rt165 region. The landowners are seeking advise from their attorneys on this.  So new production units are in the mix. If you open one part of the lease everything in the lease is now renegotiable ( larger royalties from the old 12% ) Anyone out there know more about how the lease terms could change? 

I would caution people about amending their old lease at the moment. Though CHK wants to get that done ASAP I'll remind everyone that they have over 1,000,000 acres of new leases that they will drill first. Old HBP stuff can wait for another decade. So get a lawyer, go slowly and don't rush in to an amendment until you're absolutely sure that you're getting the right deal for you and your family. I imagine they'll want to change unit size. If I were a landowner I'd include an ad valorem clause, along with water testing and obviously a higher royalty. But that's just my two cents.

We live in the rt 534/rt 165 region.  Has Chesapeake bought any of the old Clinton wells that are held by production?  does anyone know if they are asking the landowners to change any portion of the leases?  Our land is held by production.

You are very close to my farm, I have seen several Chesapeake trucks and a large hoe at a little farm on the corner of Middletown Road and Snodes ( near the Snodes Grange) . My brother in Law has a farm on 165 east of East Goshen Friends Church and he has been approached as well as his son in law on Rte 14 across from the Golf Course. Chesapeake wants to open the lease and change the acreage from the 100 - 40 ac unit - to a larger unit. Everyone has turned it over to a lawyer.

Yes, we are very close.  Our home is left off 534 on 165 also, east of East Goshen Friends Church.  We will "await" a call from someone.....  Thanks for the info. 

Across the street from me. The property was for sale, then in the last week the sign is gone and the hoe moved in.  Haven't seen the trucks, but the hoe is still there. No one will tell me what is going on. 

M&D landman told me there is a site planned to start SOON to the northeast side of Middletown, just east of Beloit-Snodes Rd.  I can see that site from my porch.  Could this corner property be a storage site?  It's a very small acreage, but there is another 5 acres behind it that is a different owner.

Looking for answers.  All I seem to find here is more questions.

Is there any landowners grouping in this immediate area?


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