Questions? Activity in Perry / Slippery rock Twp. -- H2O Testing -- McConnels mill State park.

Hello all, im new here,  its great to find a site with so much info.

I'm in the process of leasing with shell.

I live near McConnels mill about a mile away from the twentier site.

I see the rig is up at the twentier site. Anyone know if they started drilling/fracking at twentier.

I also noticed a site on center church road, is it named Henry?  any timetable for this site to be up and running?

Anyone know if the either site is vertical or horizonal, Marcellus or Utica

Any other well permits in the area?

Any news on the cheesman well. is it complete, is it producing?

How does the state park come into play, do they have permission to drill in the park, drill under the park, or is that off limits.

Anyone have an independent water test done.  if so who, and how much,  Did you go with tier 1,2 or 3 testing. 

Any other insights on activity in this area would be great.



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Henry well has been cancelled for the time being. Period.

Interesting, I've heard that Hells Run is a class A stream. I wonder if that has any bearing on whether or not they will drill in my area?

It won't make any difference on the stream rating.  The quality of the stream just requires the company to use additional safeguards when it comes to erosion and sediment control.  If you look on the DEP website ( , Shell has three approved drilling permits and an earthmoving permit for the Henry site already:

 HENRY R 2032 5HM OG WELL (755444)

HENRY R 2032 6HD OG WELL (758056)

HENRY R 2032 6HS OG WELL (757407)

HENRY UNIT 2032 ESX (753102)


So whatever the hold up is, its most likely not the stream.

Nope, it's $2.25 gas! Those permits had already been applied for before Shell changed their mind. I talked with Henry directly, and as far as he knows, they are off the table for the time being, but Shell changes their mind monthly, so stay tuned...


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